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Table 1

Observed objects during our campaign.

Name α2000.0 δ2000.0 z m Type Exposure time Nature of the source
(h min s) (°′′′) (mag) (s)

1ES 1959+650 19 59 35.00 + 65 00 14.0 0.048 15.38 (R) HBL 60–120 science target
HB89 2201+044 22 04 17.65 + 04 40 02.0 0.027 17.18 (R) LBL 60–120 science target
BD+59389 02 02 42.06 + 60 15 26.5 10.34 (V) LSS 0.2−4 polarized star
HD+204827 21 28 57.70 + 58 44 24.0 7.93 (V) LSS 0.2−4 polarized star
HD+212311 22 21 58.60 + 56 31 53.0 8.10 (V) LSS 0.2−4 unpolarized star

Notes. From left to right the object name, right ascension, declination, redshift, visual magnitude, type of source, exposure time, and nature of the source. Standard polarimetric stars were obtained from Schmidt et al. (1992) and Turnshek et al. (1990).

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