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Table 1

Basic informationabout observed knots.

Knot N t 1 t N v xy v sp r c Polynomial degree
number [km s-1] [km s-1] 103 [km] m x m y m v D

1 22 08:43:00 09:13:15 8–19 19–29 30–96 2 2 2
2 10 10:05:06 10:18:03 5–8 23–41 28–162 2 2 1
3 8 10:32:27 10:42:32 14–15 39–44 111–152 2 2 1
4 14 11:11:20 11:32:30 13–16 36–57 110–440 2 2 1
5 16 09:43:29 10:05:06 7–22 46–65 53–168 1 2 2
6 12 11:58:32 11:34:23 11–15 27–54 68–435 2 2 1
7 30 11:17:06 12:00:18 5–6 25–33 61–132 2 2 2
8 11 11:40:08 11:54:32 7–11 21–40 27–104 2 2 2
9 19 09:19:08 09:04:56 5–9 24–51 43–422 2 2 1

Notes. N – number of observations of the knot, t1,tN – the first and the last time of observation of the knot, vxy – minimum and maximum values of projection of knot velocity onto plane of the sky, vsp – minimum and maximum values of the spatial knot velocity, rcr – minimum and maximum values of the curvature radius along the trajectory,mx, my, mvD – polynomial degree used for approximating the data points (position on x and y axes and LOS velocity).

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