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Table A.1

Input parameters and resulting properties of the stellar clusters.

Input parameters Model properties
Time span a × 1031 b × 107 U0 × 10-5 cl R t r h R c ρh ρc
(Myr) (s3 kg1/2 m-6) (J-1) (m2 s-2) () (pc) (pc) (pc) ( pc-3) ( pc-3)

The high-mass (HM) cluster

100–500 4.036 3.632 − 162.3 13821 28.8 4.87 1.88 14.3 57.6

The intermediate-mass (IM) cluster

100–125 193.4 11.15 − 75.83 692 13.0 1.88 0.07 119.5 11171.7
125–150 228.8 11.98 − 76.24 632 12.7 1.00 0.04 75.0 24678.8
150–175 203.4 14.59 − 63.03 580 12.3 1.13 0.05 48.1 16269.1
175–200 181.6 17.44 − 52.52 535 12.0 1.23 0.05 34.2 10399.9
200–225 162.5 20.70 − 43.71 492 11.7 1.31 0.06 26.1 6527.4
225–250 151.8 23.92 − 37.49 453 11.3 1.37 0.07 21.0 4490.9
250–275 144.0 27.09 − 32.71 420 11.0 1.40 0.07 18.2 3193.8
275–300 135.3 31.19 − 27.97 385 10.7 1.43 0.08 15.6 2091.7
300–325 151.6 32.59 − 27.13 355 10.4 1.42 0.09 14.9 2243.6
325–350 155.1 37.97 − 23.19 312 10.0 1.43 0.09 12.7 1800.4
350–375 157.2 42.21 − 20.72 285 9.7 1.43 0.10 11.6 1390.0
375–400 154.4 48.34 − 17.65 256 9.3 1.40 0.09 11.1 991.8
400–425 171.7 54.25 − 15.97 224 9.0 1.42 0.10 9.4 947.6
425–450 174.1 64.02 − 12.92 194 8.6 1.32 0.10 10.0 567.2
450–475 192.8 68.46 − 11.78 175 8.2 1.24 0.13 11.1 434.4
475–500 201.1 84.04 − 9.141 149 7.8 1.22 0.15 9.8 223.5
500–525 238.1 94.20 − 7.963 127 7.3 1.15 0.16 10.1 185.6

Notes. The properties are represented in terms of the input parameters a, b and U0 (see Sect. 2.1).

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