Fig. 7

Time evolution of the combined comet population of all simulations with the full dynamical model. The fractional populations are counted with respect to the total initial population. Results were sampled at 10 Myr timesteps, using 100 uniform logarithmic bins for a ∈ [500,200 000] au. The locations of the three initial sub-populations are indicated by vertical dashed lines. Here, snapshots are shown at times T = 10, 50, 200, and 400 Myr, from top to bottom, using black, red, blue and green colours, respectively, where the final time step is also shaded in grey. Comets beyond the plot limits have been summed at the edges. Left panel: the high-mass cluster. Right panel: the intermediate-mass cluster. The three remaining peaks in the final distribution reflect the fact that the vast majority of the stars in this cluster model have by then left the cluster with fossilised structures of their cometary clouds.
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