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Table 1

Continuum 438 μm parameters.

Name RA (J2000.0) Dec (J2000.0) Speak Tbright M b
(h:m:s) (°::′′) (Jy/beam) (K) (Jy) (× 1024 cm-2) M

#1 17:26:42.534 –36:09:17.38 0.255 201 2.33 6.2 0.49
#2 17:26:42.564 –36:09:17.69 0.231 183 0.364 5.6 0.08
#3 17:26:42.345 –36:09:16.13 0.082 75 0.256 2.0 0.05
#4 17:26:42.797 –36:09:20.50 0.048 49 0.125 1.2 0.03



The integrated flux densities are measured within the 4σ contours.


Dust temperatures are assumed to 200 K (see main text). The masses are calculated for an assumed distance of 2.2 kpc and are lower limits because of optical depth effects.

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