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Fig. 3


Planet migration rate (ȧ/a) for different torques as a function of dimensionless planet mass qp = Mp/M ar r = 0.1 AU. The dotted, solid, and dashed lines correspond to the migration rate estimated from Eq. (12) when Γ = Γ2s (two-sided torque), ΓL,1s (one-sided Lindblad torque) and Γc,1s (one-sided corotation torque), respectively. The dark grey zone refers to the non-linear regime, and the light grey zone indicates the gap-opening regime. qp,gap and qp,lin are the critical masses for these two regimes (Sect. 2.4). The adopted disk parameters are qd = 10-4, αν = 10-2 and h = 0.025.

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