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Table 1

Attributions of matrix isolated molecular species observed in this study.

Molecular Observed band(s) Attribution
species cm-1

H2O 3777, 3757, 3724 ν3 a b
(H2O)2 3707, 3574 ν3, ν1a,b
(H2O)3 3525, 3513 ν1 a
(H2O)4 3373 ν1 a
Coronene 3077, 3068, 3034 νCH c
1319 νCC c
856 γCH c
N2 (trace) 3731, 3724, 3719 (H2O)(1,2):(N2)(1,2)d
3639, 3567, 3554 (H2O)2:N2d

Photoproduct 1 1405, 1383, 1215, 1207 dihydroxycoronene e
1150, 1029, 964
Photoproduct 2 1579, 1221, 994 1, 10-coroquinone e



Hudgins & Sandford 1998;

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