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Table 4

Flux densities resulting from the KDA and KDA EXT models for 3C 438 and their goodness of fit to the observed data.

ν0 Sν0 ± ΔSν0 SMOD SMOD

26    228 000 ± 12 000 229 220 243 060
38    150 290 ± 40 650 171 455 182 345
38    16 284 ± 48 850 171455 182345
74    81 560 ± 8160 99 095 105 770
86    86 700 ± 8720 87 287 93 230
178 51 400 ± 4100 46 105 49 377
178 49 620 ± 2300 46 105 49 377
325    29 940 ± 1080 26 506 28 440
365    26 400 ± 950 23 766 25 505
408    23 760 ± 480 21 387 22 959
408    25 180 ± 1980 21 387 22 959
750    13 700 ± 700 11 876 12 727
1400 6940 ± 220 6378 6755
1400 6854 ± 220 6378 6755
1477 6410 ± 128 6042 6388
2695 3260 ± 155 3260 3319
2700 3300 ± 160 3259 3311
4830 1635 ± 164 1779 1638
4850    1607 ± 143 1771 1629
4900 1580 ± 60 1752 1607
5000 1529 ± 60 1752 1565
8440    765 ± 38 986 825
10 695    640 ± 40 766 619
10 705    600 ± 38 766 619
14 900    390 ± 30 538 407

8.57 1.17

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