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Table 3

Flux densities resulting from the KDA and KDA EXT models for 3C 217 and their goodness of fit to the observed data.

ν0 Sν0 ± ΔSν0 SMOD SMOD

26    43 000 ± 6000 57 885 53 440
38    39 000 ± 5850 44 624 42 332
74    25 380 ± 2590 27 200 27 396
86    24 400 ± 1300 24 242 24 688
151 16 498 ± 294 15 544 16 227
178 15 590 ± 600 13 601 14 287
325    8970 ± 324 8214 8989
365    8372 ± 242 7440 8168
408    7090 ± 280 6754 7398
408    7840 ± 610 6754 7398
750    4060 ± 208 3923 4127
1400 2086 ± 62 2201 2126
1400 2230 ± 70 2201 2126
2695 1011 ± 80 1171 1038
2700 1020 ± 50 1168 1038
4850    550 ± 49 654 509
5000    477 ± 60 635 487
10 695    122 ± 38 294 150
10 705    130 ± 40 293 149
14 900    120 ± 20 201 84

8.00 1.21

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