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Table 2

Flux densities resulting from the KDA and KDA EXT models for 3C 184 and their goodness of fit to the observed data.

ν 0 Sν0 ± ΔSν0 S MOD S MOD

22    61 000 ± 5000 69 177 60 377
38    37 200 ± 3720 46 877 42 388
74    23 660 ± 2370 28 377 26 961
86    23 800 ± 2700 25 407 24 262
151 14 870 ± 893 16 179 16 116
178 14 652 ± 700 14 124 14 240
178 14 388 ± 719 14 124 14 240
325    9676 ± 350 8472 8887
365    9083 ± 328 7655 8088
750    4230 ± 177 4018 4377
750    4200 ± 200 4018 4377
1400 2582 ± 78 2244 2456
1400 2275 ± 170 2244 2456
2695 1183 ± 60 1191 1254
4850    618 ± 55 665 643
5000    596 ± 40 646 621
10 705    216 ± 30 299 238
14 900    150 ± 30 212 146

5.94 1.89

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