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Table B.1

Description and explanation of the contents of the CoRoT-APOGEE catalogue.

No. Column Data type Shape Unit Description

$1 CoRoT_ID Integer CoRoT Star Identifier 10 digits number
$2 APOGEE_ID String APOGEE Identifier
$3 RA Double deg Right Ascension (J2000.0, from 2MASS)
$4 Dec Double deg Declination (J2000.0, from 2MASS)
$5 GLON Double deg Galactic Longitude
$6 GLAT Double deg Galactic Latitude
$7 FIELD String APOGEE Field
$8 run_id String Identifier of the CoRoT mission run - format AAIIA
$9 Seismic_results String Fitting method used to fit the frequency power spectrum
(automatic or supervised)
$10 numax Float muHz Frequency of maximum oscillation power
$11 e_numax Float muHz Uncertainty of the frequency of maximum oscillation power
$12 Dnu Float muHz Large frequency separation
$13 e_Dnu Float muHz Uncertainty of the large frequency separation
$14 evstat String Evolutionary stage (RGB: red-giant branch, or RC: red clump)
$15 ASPCAP_ID String Unique ASPCAP identifier
$16 FILE String File name of visit-combined APOGEE spectrum
$17 TELESCOPE String String representation of of telescope used for observation
(currently APO 1 m or 2.5 m)
$18 LOCATION_ID Short APOGEE Field Location ID
$19 TARGFLAGS String APOGEE Target flags20
$20 NVISITS Integer Number of visits into combined spectrum
$21 SNR Float median S/N per pixel in combined spectrum
$22 STARFLAGS String APOGEE Star flags21
$23 VHELIO_AVG Float APOGEE average radial velocity, weighted by S/N, using RVs
determined from cross-correlation of ind. spectra with template spectrum
$24 VSCATTER Float Scatter of individual visit RVs around average
$25 VERR_MED Float Median of individual visit RV errors
$26 PARAM float[] 7 Empirically calibrated parameter array, using ASPCAP stellar parameters
fit + calibrations, in the order: Teff,log g,vmicro, [M/H], [C/M], [N/M], [α/M]
$27 FPARAM float[] 7 Uncalibrated output parameter array from ASPCAP stellar parameters fit
$28 PARAM_COV float[] 49 Covariance of calibrated parameters, but with only diagonal elements
from external uncertainty estimation
$29 FPARAM_COV float[] 49 Covariance of fitted parameters from ASPCAP
$30 TEFF Double K APOGEE Teff from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$31 TEFF_ERR Double K APOGEE Teff uncertainty
$32 LOGG Float [dex] APOGEE log g from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$33 LOGG_ERR Float dex APOGEE log g uncertainty
$34 PARAM_M_H Float [dex] APOGEE [M/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$35 MH_Anders Float [dex] APOGEE [M/H] calibrated as in this paper and Santiago et al. (2016)
$36 PARAM_M_H_ERR Float dex APOGEE [M/H] uncertainty
$37 PARAM_ALPHA_M Float [dex] APOGEE [α/M] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$38 PARAM_ALPHA_M_ERR Float dex APOGEE [α/M] uncertainty
$39 ASPCAP_CHI2 Float Reduced χ2 of ASPCAP Fit
$40 ASPCAPFLAGS String Flags for ASPCAP analysis
$41 AL_H Float dex [Al/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$42 CA_H Float dex [Ca/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$43 C_H Float dex [C/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$44 FE_H Float dex [Fe/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$45 K_H Float dex [K/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$46 MG_H Float dex [Mg/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$47 MN_H Float dex [Mn/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$48 NA_H Float dex [Na/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$49 NI_H Float dex [Ni/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$50 N_H Float dex [N/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$51 O_H Float dex [O/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$52 SI_H Float dex [Si/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$53 S_H Float dex [S/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$54 TI_H Float dex [Ti/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$55 V_H Float dex [V/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$56 AL_H_ERR Float dex [Al/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$57 CA_H_ERR Float dex [Ca/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$58 C_H_ERR Float dex [C/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$59 FE_H_ERR Float dex [Fe/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$60 K_H_ERR Float dex [K/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$61 MG_H_ERR Float dex [Mg/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$62 MN_H_ERR Float dex [Mn/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$63 NA_H_ERR Float dex [Na/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$64 NI_H_ERR Float dex [Ni/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$65 N_H_ERR Float dex [N/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$66 O_H_ERR Float dex [O/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$67 SI_H_ERR Float dex [Si/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$68 S_H_ERR Float dex [S/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$69 TI_H_ERR Float dex [Ti/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$70 V_H_ERR Float dex [V/H] uncertainty from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
$71 AL_H_FLAG Integer [Al/H] Flag
$72 CA_H_FLAG Integer [Ca/H] Flag
$73 C_H_FLAG Integer [C/H] Flag
$74 FE_H_FLAG Integer [Fe/H] Flag
$75 K_H_FLAG Integer [K/H] Flag
$76 MG_H_FLAG Integer [Mg/H] Flag
$77 MN_H_FLAG Integer [Mn/H] Flag
$78 NA_H_FLAG Integer [Na/H] Flag
$79 NI_H_FLAG Integer [Ni/H] Flag
$80 N_H_FLAG Integer [N/H] Flag
$81 O_H_FLAG Integer [O/H] Flag
$82 SI_H_FLAG Integer [Si/H] Flag
$83 S_H_FLAG Integer [S/H] Flag
$84 TI_H_FLAG Integer [Ti/H] Flag
$85 V_H_FLAG Integer [V/H] Flag
$86 AK_TARG Float mag Ks-band extinction from APOGEE Targeting (Zasowski et al. 2013)
$87 AK_TARG_METHOD String Extinction method used for APOGEE Targeting (Zasowski et al. 2013)
$88 SFD_EBV Float mag SFD E(BV) extinction (Schlegel et al. 1998)
$89 RC_dist_kpc Double kpc APOGEE Red Clump distance (Bovy et al. 2014)
$90 VISITS String List of APOGEE visits going into combined spectrum
$91 VISIT_PK int[] 50 Index of MJDs of APOGEE visits used in combined spectrum
$92 mag_b Float mag OBSCAT Filter B magnitude
$93 mag_b_err Float mag OBSCAT Filter B magnitude error
$94 mag_v Float mag OBSCAT Filter V magnitude
$95 mag_v_err Float mag OBSCAT Filter V magnitude error
$96 mag_r Float mag OBSCAT Filter R magnitude
$97 mag_r_err Float mag OBSCAT Filter R magnitude error
$98 mag_i Float mag OBSCAT Filter I magnitude
$99 mag_i_err Float mag OBSCAT Filter I magnitude error
$100 AllWISE String AllWISE ID
$101 Jmag Float mag 2MASS J magnitude
$102 e_Jmag Float mag Mean error on J magnitude
$103 Hmag Float mag 2MASS H magnitude
$104 e_Hmag Float mag Mean error on H magnitude
$105 Kmag Float mag 2MASS Ks magnitude
$106 e_Kmag Float mag Mean error on Ks magnitude
$107 W1mag Float mag WISE W1 magnitude
$108 e_W1mag Float mag Mean error on W1 magnitude
$109 W2mag Float mag WISE W2 magnitude
$110 e_W2mag Float mag Mean error on W2 magnitude
$111 W3mag Float mag WISE W3 magnitude
$112 e_W3mag Float mag Mean error on W3 magnitude
$113 W4mag Float mag WISE W4 magnitude
$114 e_W4mag Float mag Mean error on W4 magnitude
$115 magB Float mag B magnitude from APASS
$116 sigmagB Float mag Error in B magnitude from APASS
$117 magV Float mag V magnitude from APASS
$118 sigmagV Float mag Error in V magnitude from APASS
$119 magg Float mag g magnitude from APASS
$120 sigmagg Float mag Error in g magnitude from APASS
$121 magr Float mag r magnitude from APASS
$122 sigmagr Float mag Error in r magnitude from APASS
$123 magi Float mag i magnitude from APASS
$124 sigmagi Float mag Error in i magnitude from APASS
$125 RA_EXODAT Double deg Rigth Ascension - J2000 decimal degrees
$126 DEC_EXODAT Double deg Declination - J2000 decimal degrees
$127 ccd_id String CoRoT CCD Id. either E1 or E2
$128 win_id Integer CoRoT Window Identifier on the CCD
$129 x Double X Target coordinate on the CoRoT CCD
$130 y Double Y Target coordinate on the CoRoT CCD
$131 spectral_type String EXODAT Spectral type of the star (from SED)
$132 luminosity_class String EXODAT Luminosity class - (I II III IV V) (from SED)
$133 color_temperature Integer K EXODAT Color temperature estimation
$134 ppmxl_id String Record identifier in the catalog PPMXL
$135 usnob1_id String Record identifier in the catalog USNO-B1
$136 twomass_id String Record identifier in the catalog TWOMASS
$137 usnoa2_id String Record identifier in the catalog USNO-A2
$138 cmc14_id String Record identifier in the catalog CMC-14
$139 tycho2_id Integer Record identifier in the catalog TYCHO-2
$140 ucac2_id Integer Record identifier in the catalog UCAC-2
$141 UCAC4 String UCAC4 recommended identifier (ZZZ-NNNNNN)
$142 pmRA Double mas/yr UCAC4 Proper motion in RA ·cos(Dec)
$143 e_pmRA Float mas/yr Mean error on pmRA
$144 pmDE Double mas/yr UCAC4 Proper motion in Dec
$145 e_pmDE Float mas/yr Mean error on pmDE
$146 UCAC4_combinedflag Boolean UCAC4 combined flag (as in Anders et al. 2014)
$147 mass_scale Float M Stellar mass from seismic scaling relations
$148 logg_scale Float [dex] log g from seismic scaling relations
$149 radius_scale Float R Stellar radius from seismic scaling relations
$150 age_mode Float Gyr PARAM Age (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$151 age_mode_68L Float Gyr PARAM Age Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$152 age_mode_68U Float Gyr PARAM Age Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$153 age_mode_95L Float Gyr PARAM Age Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$154 age_mode_95U Float Gyr PARAM Age Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$155 sigage_isochrones Double Gyr Systematic age uncertainty estimated from different isochrones
$156 sigage_eta Double Gyr Systematic age uncertainty related to mass loss
$157 sigage_tot Double Gyr Total age uncertainty
(quadratic sum of statistical and systematic age uncertainties)
$158 mass_mode Float M PARAM Mass (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$159 mass_mode_68L Float M PARAM Mass Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$160 mass_mode_68U Float M PARAM Mass Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$161 mass_mode_95L Float M PARAM Mass Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$162 mass_mode_95U Float M PARAM Mass Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$163 radius_mode Float R PARAM Radius (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$164 radius_mode_68L Float R PARAM Radius Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$165 radius_mode_68U Float R PARAM Radius Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$166 radius_mode_95L Float R PARAM Radius Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$167 radius_mode_95U Float R PARAM Radius Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$168 logg_mode Float [dex] PARAM log g (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$169 logg_mode_68L Float [dex] PARAM log g Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$170 logg_mode_68U Float [dex] PARAM log g Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$171 logg_mode_95L Float [dex] PARAM log g Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$172 logg_mode_95U Float [dex] PARAM log g Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$173 dist_mode Float pc PARAM Distance (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$174 dist_mode_68L Float pc PARAM Distance Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$175 dist_mode_68U Float pc PARAM Distance Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$176 dist_mode_95L Float pc PARAM Distance Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$177 dist_mode_95U Float pc PARAM Distance Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$178 Av_mode Float mag PARAM V-band extinction (mode of the posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al. 2014)
$179 Av_mode_68L Float mag PARAM V-band extinction Lower 68% Confidence Limit
$180 Av_mode_68U Float mag PARAM V-band extinction Upper 68% Confidence Limit
$181 Av_mode_95L Float mag PARAM V-band extinction Lower 95% Confidence Limit
$182 Av_mode_95U Float mag PARAM V-band extinction Upper 95% Confidence Limit
$183 nfil Short Number of photometric filters used by PARAM
$184 fils String Which photometric filters have been used by PARAM
$185 Xg Float kpc X coordinate in Galactocentric Cartesian coordinates
$186 Xg_sig Float kpc X coordinate uncertainty
$187 Yg Float kpc Y coordinate in Galactocentric Cartesian coordinates
$188 Yg_sig Float kpc Y coordinate uncertainty
$189 Zg Float kpc Z coordinate in Galactocentric Cartesian coordinates
$190 Zg_sig Float kpc Z coordinate uncertainty
$191 Rg Float kpc R coordinate in Galactocentric Cylindrical coordinates
$192 Rg_sig Float kpc R coordinate uncertainty
$193 vT Float km s-1 Transverse velocity
$194 vT_sig Float km s-1 Transverse velocity uncertainty
$195 vXg Float km s-1 X-axis space velocity
$196 vXg_sig Float km s-1 X-axis space velocity uncertainty
$197 vYg Float km s-1 Y-axis space velocity
$198 vYg_sig Float km s-1 Y-axis space velocity uncertainty
$199 vZg Float km s-1 Z-axis space velocity
$200 vZg_sig Float km s-1 Z-axis space velocity uncertainty
$201 vRg Float km s-1 Galactocentric radial velocity
$202 vRg_sig Float km s-1 Galactocentric radial velocity uncertainty
$203 vPhig Float km s-1 Azimuthal velocity
$204 vPhig_sig Float km s-1 Azimuthal velocity uncertainty
$205 Rguide Float kpc Guiding-centre radius
$206 Rguide_sig Float kpc Uncertainty on guiding-centre radius

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