Fig. 5

Example of the “intrinsic” rotation curve calculation for the gSb model. First column: the tangential velocities map is shown in the top panel and the tangential Fourier moments map in the bottom panel. Second column: the radial velocities map is shown in the top panel and the radial Fourier moment map in the bottom panel. Third column: the top panel shows the comparison between the expected circular velocities Vexpected calculated from the gravitational potential as a solid black line and the Fourier A0(Vt) as a long-dashed magenta line. The expected and Fourier axisymmetric radial velocities are shown as solid blue and dashed green lines, respectively. The non-circular velocities as a function of radius are plotted in the bottom panel. The continuous black line and the long-dashed blue line are the rms velocities estimated from the residual maps, and the dashed lines are the m = 2 Fourier components. The ellipse in the center of each map shows the location and orientation of the bar.
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