Fig. 2
Top panels: histograms showing the distribution of the peak fluxes (Fpeak) of the fragments identified in the ALMA image of I16061c1 (black), and in the synthetic images for μ = 2 (green, left) and μ = 200 (blue, right). Bottom panels: empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of the quantities plotted in the top panels. The black line corresponds to the ALMA data; the green and blue lines indicate the strong and weak field cases, respectively, projected on the three planes. In all panels, the different line style indicates the projection plane: solid = (x, y); dot-dashed = (x, z); dashed = (y, z). The vertical dotted line corresponds to 0.8 mJy, which is approximately five times the rms noise level in both the real and synthetic maps. Note that the μ = 2 model spans the observations, while the μ = 200 model is strongly biased towards fragments with masses lower than those observed.
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