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Table 2

Information of the different spatial components seen in the ALMA NaCl channel maps.

Regiona> Peak Tot flux RA Dec Pos err Maj ax Min ax Size err PA PA err
[Jy/beam km s-1] [Jy km s-1] [h:m:s] [°: : ′′] [mas] [mas] [mas] [mas] [degrees] [degrees]

NaCl v = 1J = 24−23 at 309 GHz
NB 2.831 5.162 07:22:58.3253 25:46:02.937 2 189 121 5 59 4
SB 1.248 2.144 07:22:58.3340 25:46:03.162 4 196 105 10 48 10

NaCl v = 0J = 24−23 at 312 GHz
NB 5.327 10.539 07:22:58.3253 25:46:02.942 2 213 141 35 50 45
SB*> 2.134 2.607 07:22:58.3311 25:46:03.195 4 138 134 70 63 90
SW1*> 1.184 3.052 07:22:58.2663 25:46:03.992 7 281 174 160 9 160
SW2*> 0.856 1.860 07:22:58.2779 25:46:04.253 9 276 131 200 42 180

NaCl v = 1J = 25−24 at 322 GHz
NB 2.883 6.295 07:22:58.3259 25:46:02.946 3 181 166 7 85 20
SB*> 1.377 1.855 07:22:58.3338 25:46:03.181 5 167 126 13 57 30

NaCl v = 0J = 25−24 at 325 GHzb>
NB 13.924 55.232 07:22:58.3272 25:46:03.009 3 328 213 200 156 120
SB*> 1.621 1.621 07:22:58.3300 25:46:03.230 26 217 119 200 61 180
SW 0.588 1.843 07:22:58.2712 25:46:04.271 72 292 150 200 144 180

Notes. The first column indicates which spatial component was fitted with a 2-dimensional (2D) Gaussian function, the second column gives the peak of the fitted function, the third column the total flux, the fourth, fifth, and sixth column the right ascension, declination, and positional uncertainty of the center of the elliptical Gaussian fit, the seventh, eight and ninth column the major and minor axis of the deconvolved 2D Gaussian fit with the uncertainty, and the last two columns list the position angle and its uncertainty of the major axis. A


Indication of the different spatial regions (see Fig. 4).


denotes that the region is only partly resolved; i.e. the deconvolved size is an upper limit.


Strongly blended with H2O and SiS line.

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