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Table 5

Known members from our original sample that have been identified as wide companions to other known members.

ID Dist. (U, V, W) Comps.
(pc) (kms-1)

HD 104467 106.5 11.6, 18.9, 10.2 SB
GSC 09420-00948 110.5 11.6, 18.7, 10.3

GSC 09239-01572 114.8 11.5, 19.9, 8.2 0.3′′
GSC 09239-01495 108.8 10.9, 21, 8.6

HD 21423 107.5 13.0, 22.4, 5.2
CD-36 1289 107.5 13.7, 21.1, 5.8
HD 21434 107.8 12.2, 21.9, 5.7 0.2′′

GJ 140 16.9 24.3, 14, 6.5 3′′
GJ 140 C 17.9 24.1, 13.9, 5.2

HD 199058 76.0 6.2, 27.9, 13.3 0.5′′
TYC 1090-543-1 76.4 6.4, 27.2, 13.7

TYC 112-1486-1 71.0 13, 15.4, 8.2 0.4′′
TYC 112-917-1 67.8 13.2, 15.5, 8.5

Eta Tel 47.7 9.1, 15.5, 8.3
HD 181327 50.6 10.1, 16.4, 8.2

HD 199143 45.7 7.9, 13.9, 10.9 1.1′′
AZ Cap 47.9 10.1, 15, 9.5 2.2′′

HD 217343 32.0 2.9, 25.3, 14.2
HD 217379 30.0 3.8, 27.5, 14.5 1.9′′+SB

HD 196982 9.5 9.8, 15.8, 9.6
AU Mic 9.8 10.8, 16.6, 9.9 2.9′′

UY Pic 23.9 7.0, 28.1, 14.6
CD-48 1893 24.2 7.0, 28.2, 14.6

TYC 9300-891-1 147.6 12.0, 2.8, 9.5 1′′
TYC 9300-529-1 147.0 11.5, 3.7, 9.6

BD-21 1074A 20.2 11, 15.6, 9.4
BD-21 1074B 16.6 12.2, 15.3, 8.3 0.8′′

HD 13246 44.2 9.2, 20.3, 1.5 SB
CD-60 416 43.2 9.0, 20.5, 0.8

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