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Table 1

Summary of the associations studied in this work.

Ass. Ass. ID Age Age ref. No. of objects

AB Dor ABD 100150 2,7 105
Argus ARG 4044 1, 7 77
β-Pic BPC 2126 1, 3, 4, 7 69
Carina CAR 3545 1, 3, 7 48
Columba COL 3542 1, 3, 7 78
ϵ-Cha ECH 510 1, 5, 7 24
Octans OCT 3040 1, 6, 7 62
Tuc-Hor THA 3345 1, 3, 7 56
TW Hydrae TWA 1012 1, 3, 7 23

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