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Table A.1

Numbers and dates of glitches (from Espinoza et al. 2011).

No Glitch Episode Tb δf/f
[MJD] no. [MJD] [10-9]

1 40 491.8 7.2
2 41 161.98 1.9
3 41 250.32 2.1
4 42 447.26 35.7
5 46 663.69 6.0
1 47 327
6 47 767.504 2 47 759 81
7 48 945.6 3 48 971 4.2
8 50 020.04 2.1
9 50 260.031 4 50 294 31.9
10 50 458.94 6.1
11 50 489.7 0.8
12 50 812.59 6.2
13 51 452.02 6.8
14 51 740.656 5 51 771 25.1
15 51 804.75 3.5
16 52 084.072 6 52 080 22.6
17 52 146.758 8.9
18 52 498.257 3.4
19 52 587.2 1.7
20 53 067.078 7 53 049 214
21 53 254.109 4.9
22 53 331.17 2.8
23 53 970.19 8 53 962 21.8
24 54 580.38 9 54 584 4.7
25 55 875.5 10 55 874 49.2

Notes. The MJD episode is the starting date of the episode as listed in Table 1, and the last column quotes reported frequency jumps during the glitch.

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