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Table 1

Flames configuration and exposure times.

FLAMES conf RA Dec Total exposure time Single exposure time
× # of exposures
h:m:s degrees (s) (s)

M87SUB1 Bright F01 12:30:58.015 +12:39:39.28 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB1 Bright F02 12:30:05.332 +12:34:00.08 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB1 Bright F03 12:29:59.574 +12:30:34.49 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB1 Norm F01 12:30:58.015 +12:39:39.28 8100 2700 × 3
M87SUB1 Norm F02 12:30:05.332 +12:34:00.08 8400 2800 × 3
M87SUB1 Norm F03 12:29:59.574 +12:30:34.49 8400 2800 × 3
M87SUB2 Bright F01 12:31:25.426 +11:57:31.43 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB2 Bright F02 12:31:44.477 +12:12:01.55 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB2 Bright F03 12:30:45.170 +12:02:27.20 2700 1350 × 2
M87SUB2 Norm F01 12:31:25.426 +11:57:31.43 8400 2800 × 3
M87SUB2 Norm F02 12:31:44.477 +12:12:01.55 8400 2800 × 3
M87SUB2 Norm F03 12:30:45.170 +12:02:27.20 8400 2800 × 3
M87SUB FEDGE 12:29:57.854 +12:41:20.90 6800 1700 × 4
M87SUB FCEN 12:30:50.019 +12:20:48.88 6800 1700 × 4

Notes. Column 1: ID of FLAMES plate. Columns 2 and 3: FLAMES plate right ascension and declination. Column 4: total exposure time. Column 5: single exposure time × number of exposures.

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