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Table 1

Median values with corresponding 68.3% shortest credible intervals as derived by Diamonds  for the parameters discussed in Sect. 2.

KIC ID τHe II A b φ c tHe II T Amax AHe νmax σrms
(s) (s) (rad) (μHz) (s) (s) (μHz) (μHz) (μHz) (μHz)

03744043 112.52 0.007
06117517 120.27 0.017
06144777 129.69 0.011
07060732 132.29 0.017
07619745 170.82 0.011
08366239 185.56 0.020
08475025 112.95 0.023
08718745 129.31 0.012
09145955 131.65 0.015
09267654 118.63 0.018
09475697 115.05 0.015
09882316 182.04 0.011
10200377 142.52 0.029
10257278 149.47 0.007
11353313 126.46 0.006
11913545 117.16 0.005
11968334 141.43 0.007
12008916 161.92 0.013

Notes. The parameters refer to the angular measurements of the second differences, , and the corresponding frequencies ωn,0, of only the radial modes. The parameters of the model to fit the acoustic glitch signatures in the second differences, Eq. (3), correspond to the columns from one to six. The acoustic radius of the Heii zone, the total acoustic radius of the star, and the amplitude at νmax in the second difference and in frequency (Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively) are indicated in the columns from seven to ten. The last two columns provide the reference values for νmax (provided by C15) and the weighted Gaussian rms of the residuals, as described in Sect. 3.

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