Fig. 1

Acoustic glitches for KIC 12008916. Top panel: the first difference, , Eq. (1). Blue squares represent values computed from ℓ = 0 modes, while green triangles from ℓ = 2 modes, with polynomial fits (dashed lines with same color as symbols) overlaid to visualize the oscillatory trend. The dashed vertical line marks the position of νmax for a reference. Bottom panel: the second difference
, Eq. (2), with the same symbol description as for the top panel. The solid red line indicates the fit to the ℓ = 0 measurements given by Eq. (3) with the estimated parameters listed in Table 1, as derived by Diamonds. The horizontal dotted line denotes the offset level c/ (2π), which is useful for visualizing the amplitude of the signature. The inset shows a zoom in of one of the measurements to visualize the precision level of the fit.
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