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Table 3

List of the grand maxima found in solar modulation potential data based on our criteria.

Center Duration Center Duration
time (years) time (years)

1616 82 1604 83
1373 58 1370 36
517 27 521 72
314 72 305 67
224 37 200 88
200 59 218 22
263 43 241 26
447 67 433 94
1845 57 1838 39
2052 71 2078 63
2509 46 2510 43
2764 72 2718 40
2947 62 2948 75
3127 76 3150 70
3406 70 3394 83
3844 104 3854 78
4087 56 4090 63
4626 65 4630 51
4852 48 4863 70
6130 49 6133 104
6309 86 6280 80

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