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Table 2

List of grand minima found in solar modulation potential data based on our criteria.

Center Duration Center Duration
time (years) time (years)

1463 161 1450 167
1283 75 1300 91
1027 47 1050 65
901 31 900 28
676 107 690 102
417 106 434 54
266 36 261 34
124 31 133 25
344 82 348 107
658 35 660 22
790 135 750 154
906 43 895 54
1190 41 1189 38
1358 125 1370 121
1488 61 1491 53
2125 39 2132 42
2183 83 2195 25
2453 51 2461 74
2901 93 2874 106
3088 30 3080 28
3344 140 3330 134
3479 79 3492 73
3627 80 3627 98
3699 24 3695 30
4231 59 4224 67
4317 53 4322 72
5193 45 5205 53
5298 62 5298 69
5459 50 5466 80
5606 76 5610 53
5718 51 5713 41
6445 123 6425 152

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