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Table 1

HARPS-N radial velocities, formal errors, bisector spans, and chromospheric activity index of TrES-4.

BJDTDB RV ± 1 σ Bis. span
2 450 000 () () ()

6362.736988 16.069 0.007 0.005 5.046
6484.535732 16.139 0.008 0.034 5.290
6485.620551 16.112 0.011 0.011 5.303
6506.435512 16.143 0.007 0.018 5.154
6507.544966 16.078 0.018 0.050 5.181
6508.534111 16.071 0.010 0.045 5.259
6509.530003 16.139 0.009 0.022 5.257
6543.363868 16.052 0.007 0.010 5.068
6583.321741 16.036 0.010 0.041 5.189
6586.336543 16.039 0.009 0.024 5.109
6696.775058 16.078 0.020 0.033 5.058
6699.728820 16.049 0.009 0.012 5.117
6701.762988 16.145 0.009 0.007 5.099
6786.659718 16.135 0.012 0.010 5.160
6787.693684 16.130 0.010 0.010 5.111
6857.483512 16.109 0.007 0.030 5.089
6858.451440 16.151 0.008 0.027 5.169

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