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Table 6

Mean accretion luminosities, stellar masses, and mass accretion rates derived for the 15 accretors in L1615/L1616 from the Ba98+Ch00, DM97, and PS99 stellar masses.

ID name Ba98+Ch00 DM97 PS99
M log acc M log acc M log acc
(M) (M yr-1) (M) (M yr-1) (M) (M yr-1)

TTS J050646.1−031922 −1.0 ... ... 0.75 −8.0 1.35 −8.3
TTS J050649.8−031933 −2.6 0.47 −9.4 0.22 −9.1 0.25 −9.1
TTS J050649.8−032104 −1.6 0.87 −8.5 0.35 −8.1 0.50 −8.3
TTS J050650.7−032008 −2.9 0.26 −9.6 0.19 −9.5 0.18 −9.5
RX J0506.9−0319 SE −1.9 1.40 −9.0 0.45 −8.5 0.93 −8.8
TTS J050654.5−032046 −3.0 0.26 −10.0 0.25 −10.0 0.22 −10.0
LkHα 333 −0.3 ... ... 0.75 −7.0 1.70 −7.3
L1616 MIR 4 −0.7 ... ... 1.70 −7.9 1.75 −8.0
TTS J050657.0−031640 −2.3 0.27 −9.0 0.19 −8.9 0.18 −8.8
RX J0507.1−0321 −1.8 0.80 −8.9 0.40 −8.6 0.50 −8.7
TTS J050730.9−031846 −3.8 0.11 −10.7 0.15 −10.9 0.13 −10.8
TTS J050801.4−032255 −2.2 0.88 −9.4 0.47 −9.1 0.56 −9.2
TTS J050801.9−031732 −2.5 0.80 −9.6 0.44 −9.4 0.50 −9.4
TTS J050836.6−030341 −1.6 0.75 −8.6 0.32 −8.2 0.44 −8.4
RX J0512.3−0255 −1.6 ... ... 1.30 −8.9 1.50 −8.9

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