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Table 2

Longitudinal magnetic field measurements of the central stars in our sample.

Name MJD Bzall [G] Bzstar [G] S/N Notes

NGC 246 55 843.1712 25 ± 90 21 ± 79 55 ± 93 51 ± 78 1665
55 859.1612 62 ± 77 62 ± 75 66 ± 79 66 ± 76 1369
NGC 1360 55 839.2227 7 ± 97 7 ± 92 78 ± 142 79 ± 129 2161
55 843.3429 109 ± 145 104 ± 134 192 ± 207 183 ± 207 1952
NGC 1514 55 844.3521 138 ± 94 139 ± 88 122 ± 94 123 ± 89 2035 A-star
55 859.2523 256 ± 85 257 ± 77 252 ± 85 252 ± 77 2202 :
IC 418 55 840.2816 only two sub-exposures, no measurement of Bz
55 879.3257 181 ± 54 177 ± 54 204 ± 97 201 ± 101 1870
55 899.1557 157 ± 64 157 ± 57 143 ± 87 143 ± 83 1733
NGC 2346 55 885.2538 44 ± 74 41 ± 88 31 ± 104 24 ± 124 1264 A-star
55 905.3067 86 ± 45 86 ± 44 54 ± 59 53 ± 60 1860 :
55 906.2222 82 ± 62 82 ± 60 23 ± 68 23 ± 65 1723 :
NGC 2392 55 917.2243 46 ± 73 46 ± 78 132 ± 152 135 ± 145 1612
55 926.2776 137 ± 81 136 ± 87 219 ± 163 224 ± 133 1635
Hen 2-36 55 906.2864 116 ± 74 116 ± 69 107 ± 97 107 ± 93 1641 A-star
55 908.3180 99 ± 92 99 ± 94 70 ± 111 69 ± 113 1434 :
LSS 1362 55 909.2720 38 ± 236 35 ± 234 157 ± 263 152 ± 264 985
55 917.3188 95 ± 175 91 ± 177 105 ± 208 101 ± 208 1163
NGC 3132 55 909.3216 38 ± 70 38 ± 70 97 ± 86 97 ± 87 1610 A-star
55 924.2987 65 ± 51 65 ± 60 74 ± 62 73 ± 76 2030 :
Hen 2-108 55 981.2533 261 ± 126 253 ± 135 374 ± 179 351 ± 213 881
55 996.2235 118 ± 142 115 ± 121 274 ± 220 280 ± 218 882
56 014.3206 12 ± 121 1 ± 140 98 ± 201 115 ± 175 804
Hen 2-113 55 981.3145 58 ± 18 58 ± 24 78 ± 25 80 ± 26 1236
55 996.2851 51 ± 18 51 ± 21 47 ± 24 47 ± 30 1316
Hen 2-131 55 996.3520 92 ± 29 90 ± 41 109 ± 41 107 ± 50 1972
55 997.3157 120 ± 32 119 ± 50 90 ± 39 89 ± 51 1936

Notes. The modified Julian date of mid-exposure is given in Col. (2). The mean longitudinal magnetic field measured with method R1 (regression based on a single dataset) using the entire spectrum (all) and using only the uncontaminated stellar lines (star), respectively, is presented in Cols. (3) and (5). The corresponding results based on method RM (regression based on M = 106 statistical variations of the original dataset) are shown in Cols. (4) and (6). The average signal-to-noise ratio of the stacked Stokes I spectrum is given in Col. (7). A magnetic field detection at a significance level of 3σ is indicated by the bold face entries in Cols. (3)–(6). All quoted errors are 1σ uncertainties.

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