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Fig. 8


Spectra of the SiO (8–7) emission (black line) toward different positions in the G35.20N star forming region: positions “out-NE” (top), “out-S” (middle) and “out-SW” (bottom) as indicated in Fig. 7. The emission has been obtained by integrating over areas of 1.34, 0.45 and 1.19 arcsec2, which yield to conversion factors of 8.5, 25.3 and 9.6 K Jy-1, respectively for the three panels. The red line corresponds to the C17O (3–2) line emission toward the three positions. In the middle panel, the blue dotted line corresponds to the SiO (8–7) line emission at the position of core A (over an area of 1.37 arcsec2, which yields to a conversion factor of 8.9 K Jy-1). The velocity component at ~16 km s-1 corresponds to two blended CH3CHO transitions. The two vertical dotted lines indicate the velocities of core A (31.8 km s-1) and core B (29.6 km s-1).

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