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Table 5

Statistics of GUViCS-to-NGVS UV-optical matching within NGVS footprint.

Match % of Sources % Total
type Number matched UV-VPS

One-to-One 215 631 31.5 30.5
NUV 209 597 31.5 30.5
FUV 42 932 39.8 38.9

NGVS-to-GUViCS 466 450 68.2 66.0
NUV 455 947 68.4 66.3
FUV 63 923 59.3 57.9

GUViCS-to-NGVS 9211 1.3 1.3
NUV 6013 0.9 0.9
FUV 3703 3.4 3.4

Notes. These statistics are calculated from the final version of the UV-VPS catalog in Appendix I that has 1 230 85 UV sources. This catalog has been cleaned of all sources within apertures of additional extended sources found in NED (see Sect. 5.3).

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