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Table J.2

Sub-set of the GUViCS-SDSS catalog.

VPS_ID SDSS_ObjID SDSS_RAdeg SDSS_DEdeg phot_Clean r_petroMag r_petorR50 r_cModelMag r_modelMag SDSS_specz SDSS_photzRF

1 1237648720700244214 194.570685056 –0.469382430018 1 19.86351 1.066034 19.87323 19.87323 –8888.0 0.0789564
2 1237648720700178676 194.5004379 –0.463474674025 1 19.05415 0.9225867 19.06404 19.06405 0.2451683 0.172791
3 1237648720700244003 194.597295792 –0.455630459169 1 17.06896 0.8109651 17.03068 17.03068 –8888.0 –8888.0
4 1237648720700244035 194.510200974 –0.454894912676 1 17.93353 0.779039 17.89274 17.89274 –8888.0 –8888.0
5 1237648720700309536 194.746662034 –0.452415921765 1 14.92753 0.8733402 14.89757 14.89757 –8888.0 –8888.0
6 1237648720700244142 194.586398592 –0.442746155224 1 18.16115 2.18277 18.11616 18.11616 –8888.0 0.195563
7 1237648720700309542 194.756667175 –0.438377969013 1 20.13555 0.9088713 20.14423 20.14426 –8888.0 –8888.0
8 1237648720700309513 194.677913463 –0.42809303877 1 16.83692 0.8310513 16.80174 16.80174 –8888.0 –8888.0
9 1237648720700178852 194.473059059 –0.422703589543 1 19.64554 1.304409 19.61404 19.61404 –8888.0 0.165244
10 1237648720700113080 194.313610924 –0.422684388298 1 18.16351 1.884779 18.08863 18.08863 –8888.0 0.191196
11 1237648720700178501 194.428818676 –0.420628586975 1 16.20097 0.7421287 16.1603 16.1603 –8888.0 –8888.0
11 1237648720700178502 194.429401131 –0.41918924813 1 20.0843 1.37854 20.40982 20.39767 –8888.0 0.14831
12 1237648704045121647 194.614942964 –0.405337074673 1 19.43814 1.105869 19.42088 19.42088 –8888.0 0.14715
12 1237648704045121648 194.615503031 –0.40663203932 1 20.2391 1.305289 20.14555 20.29172 –8888.0 0.0865192
13 1237648704045187093 194.750201902 –0.404410099976 1 14.43311 0.5863197 14.37228 14.37228 –8888.0 –8888.0
14 1237648704044990631 194.343503017 –0.395526996972 0 17.89945 2.842504 17.87007 17.87007 –8888.0 0.0463287
15 1237648704045056121 194.466746745 –0.393085190011 1 19.13187 0.9382241 19.10153 19.14655 –8888.0 0.125337
16 1237648704042304049 188.162644227 –0.384860113267 1 21.05508 1.047097 21.01303 21.01303 –8888.0 0.162085
18 1237648704042303707 188.212979348 –0.38304090509 1 19.60042 0.80029 19.5685 19.5685 –8888.0 –8888.0
19 1237648704044990536 194.341050177 –0.382847557805 0 13.44909 1.178099 14.97935 13.59838 –8888.0 –8888.0
20 1237648704042304117 188.196194543 –0.383096669973 1 21.69966 1.448838 21.6634 21.6634 –8888.0 0.415683
21 1237648704042304099 188.187575471 –0.380356371517 1 20.7378 1.063899 20.70365 20.748 –8888.0 0.198996
23 1237648704042369790 188.257982827 –0.380012386754 0 22.3031 0.9142082 22.2266 21.84088 –8888.0 0.342464
24 1237648704042303675 188.1800504 –0.378728375738 1 18.71882 0.8019442 18.68394 18.68405 –8888.0 –8888.0
25 1237648704042303898 188.107099202 –0.380197871207 0 20.77004 1.985193 20.99642 20.99642 –8888.0 –8888.0
26 1237648704042303826 188.192775827 –0.378245325478 1 20.56008 0.9576247 20.63448 20.63401 –8888.0 –8888.0
27 1237648704042370066 188.275799996 –0.378714343949 0 21.29313 3.762415 21.84264 21.86093 –8888.0 0.435027
28 1237648704044597280 193.384440771 –0.37779393787 0 14.16577 1.693035 14.61736 14.74322 –8888.0 –8888.0
29 1237648704042304454 188.225583678 –0.376638555902 0 23.6117 0.9046873 22.43729 23.80241 –8888.0 –8888.0
30 1237648704042303950 188.127495093 –0.37761584135 1 20.59755 1.751001 20.49957 20.53205 –8888.0 0.339657
31 1237648704042369450 188.263280895 –0.377826913289 1 21.65134 1.086265 21.23803 21.37473 –8888.0 0.392354
32 1237648704042303784 188.206375808 –0.377137995896 1 20.83275 0.9348387 20.78656 20.78661 –8888.0 0.253223
35 1237648704045056031 194.461259787 –0.375380895546 1 17.83416 0.617262 17.77811 17.77811 –8888.0 –8888.0
36 1237648704042369071 188.290235618 –0.375190667224 0 21.09913 1.281783 20.93743 20.93742 –8888.0 0.130005
36 1237648704042369072 188.289622129 –0.375997648686 1 21.63453 0.8854136 21.41649 21.41649 –8888.0 0.0984047
36 1237648704042369076 188.289064923 –0.375377792797 0 24.09786 0.5908738 23.91677 23.87782 –8888.0 0.676087
36 1237648704042369077 188.289680512 –0.374501855036 0 23.38869 0.5280144 23.02468 23.02467 –8888.0 –8888.0
39 1237648704042238492 188.076385929 –0.373243019609 1 24.4804 0.2705168 24.11954 24.11954 –8888.0 –8888.0
41 1237648704042303639 188.144225366 –0.37393654897 1 19.24933 0.7845541 19.19751 19.19751 –8888.0 –8888.0
42 1237648704042303738 188.11778755 –0.372790420495 1 19.55833 0.8050651 19.53878 19.53878 –8888.0 –8888.0
42 1237648704042303739 188.115843754 –0.37316966269 1 20.84318 1.230178 20.78664 20.86171 –8888.0 0.0887103
43 1237648704045056132 194.49838628 –0.372234387989 1 19.41976 0.8397874 19.3998 19.38776 –8888.0 0.280437
44 1237648704042238731 188.1054057 –0.372172492487 1 22.25185 0.7856979 22.09014 22.09014 –8888.0 0.367416
45 1237648704042304295 188.151587834 –0.372551405353 1 22.75891 0.6515285 22.53342 22.53342 –8888.0 –8888.0
47 1237648704042369167 188.280957964 –0.371717788558 1 18.50293 0.7366127 18.45677 18.45677 –8888.0 –8888.0
48 1237648704042304170 188.216358795 –0.371422131258 1 21.63396 0.9046321 21.48607 21.48607 –8888.0 0.344373
50 1237648704044597315 193.478164871 –0.370592819405 0 14.67558 0.9659479 15.99006 15.99006 –8888.0 –8888.0

Notes. This is a sub-sample of the entire table that shows a variety of fields as a preview of this catalog. The full Table is available at the CDS.

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