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Table J.1

Description of columns in the GUViCS-SDSS matched catalog.

Field Format Units Explanation

VPS_ID I7 ID number from this paper
SDSS_ObjID I19 SDSS object identifier
SDSS_SpecObjID I19 SDSS identifier pointing to spectrum of object if it exists
RAdeg F9.5 deg Right ascension at UV center
DEdeg F8.5 deg Declination at UV center
SDSS_MtchSep F10.8 deg Angular separation between UV source and SDSS optical match
SDSS_RAdeg F12.8 deg Right ascension in degrees at center of SDSS source in the r-band
SDSS_DEdeg F11.8 deg Declination in degrees at center of SDSS source in the r-band
SDSS_phot_Clean I1 SDSS flag indicates if photometry is clean; clean=1 and not clean=0
SDSS_phot_ObjType I1 Type classification of object: 0=unknown; 1=cosmic ray; 2=defect; 3=galaxy; 4=ghost; 5=knownobj;
6=star; 7=trail; 8=sky; 9=notatype
u_petroMag F11.5 mag Petrosian magnitude for u-band in r-band aperture
u_petroMagErr F18.8 mag Error on u_petroMag
u_modelMag F11.5 mag Better of De Vaucouleurs/exponential u-band magnitude fit in the r-band
u_modelMagErr F14.8 mag Error on u_modelMag
u_cModelMag F11.5 mag Linear combination of De Vaucouleurs+exponential magnitudes fit in the u-band
u_cModelMagErr F15.8 mag Error on u_cModelMag
u_petroRad F10.6 arcsec Petrosian radius in u-band
u_petroRadErr F14.8 arcsec Error on petroRad_u
u_petroR50 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 50% of the Petrosian flux in u-band
u_petroR50Err F14.8 arcsec Error on u_petroR50
u_petroR90 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 90% of the Petrosian flux in u-band
u_petroR90Err F15.9 arcsec Error on u_petroR90
g_petroMag F11.5 mag Petrosian magnitude for g-band in r-band Petrosian aperture
g_petroMagErr F14.8 mag Error on g_petroMag
g_modelMag F11.5 mag Better of De Vaucouleurs/exponential g-band magnitude fit in the r-band
g_modelMagErr F14.8 mag Error on g_modelMag
g_cModelMag F11.5 mag Linear combination of De Vaucouleurs+exponential magnitudes fit in the g-band
g_cModelMagErr F15.8 mag Error on g_cModelMag
g_petroRad F10.6 arcsec Petrosian radius in g-band
g_petroRadErr F14.8 arcsec Error on g_petroRad
g_petroR50 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 50% of the Petrosian flux in g-band
g_petroR50Err F14.8 arcsec Error on g_petroR50
g_petroR90 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 90% of the Petrosian flux in g-band
g_petroR90Err F15.9 arcsec Error on g_petroR90
r_petroMag F11.5 mag Petrosian magnitude for r-band in r-band Petrosian aperture
r_petroMagErr F18.8 mag Error on r_petroMag
r_modelMag F11.5 mag Better of De Vaucouleurs/exponential r-band magnitude fit in the r-band
r_modelMagErr F14.8 mag Error on r_modelMag
r_cModelMag F11.5 mag Linear combination of De Vaucouleurs+exponential magnitudes fit in the r-band
r_cModelMagErr F15.8 mag Error on r_cModelMag
r_petroRad F10.6 arcsec Petrosian radius in r-band
r_petroRadErr F14.8 arcsec Error on r_petroRad
r_petroR50 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 50% of the Petrosian flux in r-band
r_petroR50Err F14.8 arcsec Error on r_petroR50
r_petroR90 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 90% of the Petrosian flux in r-band
r_petroR90Err F15.9 arcsec Error on r_petroR90
i_petroMag F11.5 mag Petrosian magnitude for i-band in r-band Petrosian aperture
i_petroMagErr F14.8 mag Error on i_petroMag
i_modelMag F11.5 mag Better of De Vaucouleurs/exponential i-band magnitude fit in the r-band
i_modelMagErr F14.8 mag Error on i_modelMag
i_cModelMag F11.5 mag Linear combination of De Vaucouleurs+exponential magnitudes fit in the i-band
i_cModelMagErr F15.8 mag Error on i_cModelMag
i_petroRad F10.6 arcsec Petrosian radius in i-band
i_petroRadErr F14.8 arcsec Error on i_petroRad
i_petroR50 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 50% of the Petrosian flux in i-band
i_petroR50Err F14.8 arcsec Error on i_petroR50
i_petroR90 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 90% of the Petrosian flux in i-band
i_petroR90Err F15.9 arcsec Error on i_petroR90
z_petroMag F11.5 Petrosian magnitude for z-band in r-band Petrosian aperture
z_petroMagErr F15.8 mag Error on z_petroMag
z_modelMag F11.5 mag Better of De Vaucouleurs/exponential z-band magnitude fit in the r-band
z_modelMagErr F14.8 mag Error on z_modelMag
z_cModelMag F11.5 mag Linear combination of De Vaucouleurs+exponential magnitudes fit in the z-band
z_cModelMagErr F15.8 mag Error on z_cModelMag
z_petroRad F10.6 arcsec Petrosian radius in z-band
z_petroRadErr F14.8 arcsec Error on z_petroRad
z_petroR50 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 50% of the Petrosian flux in z-band
z_petroR50Err F14.8 arcsec Error on z_petroR50
z_petroR90 F12.6 arcsec Radius containing 90% of the Petrosian flux in z-band
z_petroR90Err F15.9 arcsec Error on z_petroR90
SDSS_survey A6 SDSS survey name
SDSS_specz F12.6 z Best SDSS spectroscopic redshift
SDSS_specz_Err F12.6 z Error on SDSS_specz
SDSS_specz_class A6 Classifcation of SDSS source as “GALAXY”, “QSO”, or “STAR” based on features in the objects spectrum
SDSS_specz_Warning I4 Bitmask of warning values where 0=good
SDSS_specz_noQSO F12.6 z Best SDSS spectroscopic redshift when excluding QSO fit
SDSS_specz_Err_noQSO F12.6 z Error on SDSS_specz_noQSO
SDSS_specz_Warning_noQSO I4 Same warning as SDSS_specz_Warning, but for SDSS_specz_noQSO
SDSS_specz_class_noQSO A6 Same classification as SDSS_specz_class, but for SDSS_specz_noQSO
SDSS_photzNN F12.6 z SDSS photometric redshift from “neural network” algorithm
SDSS_photzNN_Err F12.6 z Error on SDSS_photzNN
SDSS_photzRF F12.6 z SDSS photometric redshift from “random forest” algorithm
SDSS_photzRF_Err F12.6 z Error on SDSS_photzRF

Notes. Many of the SDSS field descriptions are taken directly from the SDSS DR9 schema page here:

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