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Table I.1
Description of columns in the UV-VPS catalog.
Field | Format | Units | Explanation |
VPS_ID | I7 | – | ID number from this paper |
RAdeg | F12.8 | deg | Right ascension at UV center |
DEdeg | F11.8 | deg | Declination at UV center |
NUV_OrgPipFld | A35 | – | Deepest NUV GALEX field where source located |
FUV_OrgPipFld | A35 | – | Deepest FUV GALEX field where source located |
NUV_Expt | F8.2 | s | Exposure time in seconds of NUV_OrgPipFld |
FUV_Expt | F8.2 | s | Exposure time in seconds of FUV_OrgPipFld |
NUV_GUVfldOvlps | I4 | – | Number of shallower NUV fields overlapping source location |
FUV_GUVfldOvlps | I4 | – | Number of shallower FUV fields overlapping source location |
NUV_GoodPhotFlag | I4 | – | Based on if NUV_ARTIFACT contains 2,4,512; 0=good and 1=bad |
FUV_GoodPhotFlag | I4 | – | Based on if FUV_ARTIFACT contains 2,4,512; 0=good and 1=bad |
NUV_SrcRemFlag | I4 | – | See Table B.1 of paper for description of values |
FUV_SrcRemFlag | I4 | – | See Table B.1 of paper for description of values |
E_BV | F13.8 | mag | Galactic reddening expressed as E(B − V) from the Galactic extinctions maps Schlegel et al. (1998) |
NUV_FOV_RADIUS | F13.8 | deg | Distance in degrees from the center of FOV for NUV source |
FUV_FOV_RADIUS | F13.8 | deg | Distance in degrees from the center of FOV for FUV source |
NUV_FLUX | F10.4 | cnt/s | Calibrated NUV flux from SExtractor AUTO aperture. Value -999 means no NUV detection |
NUV_FLUXERR | F9.4 | cnt/s | Error on NUV_FLUX |
NUV_MAG | F9.4 | mag | Calibrated NUV AB magnitude from the SExtractor AUTO magnitude |
NUV_MAGERR | F9.4 | mag | Error on NUV_MAG |
FUV_FLUX | F10.4 | cnt/s | Calibrated FUV flux from SExtractor AUTO aperture. Value -999 means no FUV detection |
FUV_FLUXERR | F9.4 | cnt/s | Error on FUV_FLUX |
FUV_MAG | F9.4 | mag | Calibrated FUV AB magnitude from the SExtractor AUTO magnitude |
FUV_MAGERR | F9.4 | mag | Error on FUV_MAG |
NUV_S2N | F9.4 | – | NUV signal-to-noise from NUV_FLUX value |
FUV_S2N | F9.4 | – | FUV signal-to-noise from FUV_FLUX value |
FUV_NCAT_FLUX | F11.4 | cnt/s | The FUV flux derived using the source position given in the NUV catalog |
FUV_NCAT_FLUXERR | F9.4 | cnt/s | Error on FUV_NCAT_FLUX |
FUV_NCAT_MAG | F9.4 | mag | FUV calibrated AB magnitude derived from FUV_NCAT_FLUX |
FUV_NCAT_MAGERR | F9.4 | mag | Error on FUV_NCAT_MAG |
FUV_NCAT_S2N | F9.4 | – | Signal to noise for fuv_ncat_flux |
NUV_SKYBG | F13.8 | cnt/sec/arcsec2 | Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source position taken in GALEX |
pipeline -nd-skybg.fits file image | |||
FUV_SKYBG | F13.8 | cnt/sec/arcsec2 | Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source position taken in GALEX |
pipeline -fd-skybg.fits file image | |||
NUV_ARTIFACT | I4 | – | Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3 × 3 pixel box in GALEX pipeline -nd-flags.fits image |
FUV_ARTIFACT | I4 | – | Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3 × 3 pixel box in GALEX pipeline -fd-flags.fits image |
NUV_NUMBER | I5 | – | Running object number from original GALEX pipeline -xd-mcat.fits |
NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 | F10.5 | pix | Half-light radius of NUV source from SExtractor AUTO aperture |
NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 | F12.5 | pix | 90% radius of NUV source from SExtractor AUTO aperture |
NUV_KRON_RADIUS | F9.5 | – | NUV Kron apertures in units of A or B |
NUV_MU_MAX | F9.5 | – | Peak NUV surface brightness above background |
NUV_A_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | Profile RMS along NUV major axis |
NUV_B_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | Profile RMS along NUV minor axis |
NUV_THETA_IMAGE | F9.5 | deg | Position angle |
NUV_ERRA_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | RMS position error along NUV major axis |
NUV_ERRB_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | RMS position error along NUV minor axis |
NUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE | F9.5 | deg | Error ellipse NUV position angle |
NUV_FWHM_WORLD | F9.5 | deg | NUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core |
NUV_FLAGS | I2 | – | NUV extraction flags |
NUV_CLASS_STAR | F7.5 | – | SExtractor star/galaxy classifier |
FUV_NUMBER | I5 | – | Running object number from original GALEX pipeline -xd-mcat.fits |
FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 | F.5 | pix | Half-light radius of FUV source from SExtractor AUTO aperture |
FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 | F11.5 | pix | 90% radius of NUV source from SExtractor AUTO aperture |
FUV_KRON_RADIUS | F9.5 | – | FUV Kron apertures in units of A or B |
FUV_MU_MAX | F9.5 | – | Peak FUV surface brightness above background |
FUV_A_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | Profile RMS along FUV major axis |
FUV_B_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | Profile RMS along FUV minor axis |
FUV_THETA_IMAGE | F9.5 | deg | Position angle |
FUV_ERRA_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | RMS position error along FUV major axis |
FUV_ERRB_IMAGE | F9.5 | pix | RMS position error along FUV minor axis |
FUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE | F9.5 | deg | Error ellipse FUV position angle |
FUV_FWHM_WORLD | F9.5 | deg | FUV FWHM assuming a gaussian core |
FUV_FLAGS | I2 | – | FUV extraction flags |
FUV_CLASS_STAR | F7.5 | – | SExtractor star/galaxy classifier |
SDSS_NumMtchs | I1 | – | Number of optical SDSS sources matched to this UV source |
SDSS_multUV | A3 | – | Flag is “mUV” if this UV sources shares a SDSS match with one or more other UV sources |
SDSS_ObjID | I19 | – | SDSS object identifier |
SDSS_MtchSep | F14.8 | deg | Angular separation between UV source and SDSS optical match |
SDSS_phot_Clean | I5 | – | SDSS flag indicates if photometry is clean; clean=1 and not clean=0 |
SDSS_phot_ObjType | I5 | – | Type classification of object: 0=unknown; 1=cosmic ray; 2=defect; 3=galaxy; 4=ghost; 5=knownobj; |
6=star; 7=trail; 8=sky; 9=notatype | |||
SDSS_survey | A6 | – | SDSS survey in which object is detected |
SDSS_specz | F12.6 | z | SDSS spectroscopic redshift |
SDSS_specz_Err | F12.6 | z | Error on SDSS_specz |
SDSS_photzNN | F12.6 | z | SDSS photometric redshift from “neural network” algorithm |
SDSS_photzNN_Err | F12.6 | z | Error on SDSS_photzNN |
SDSS_photzRF | F12.6 | z | SDSS photometric redshift from “random forest” algorithm |
SDSS_photzRF_Err | F12.6 | z | Error on SDSS_photzRF |
SDSS_VM | A2 | – | Flag value is “VM” if source is a member of the Virgo Cluster based on zphot or zspec, |
otherwise value is “-” | |||
SDSS_BCKD | A2 | – | Flag value is “BK” if object is behind the Virgo Cluster based on its SDSS photometric or |
spectroscopic redshift | |||
SDSS_BCKDclass | A4 | – | Flag value is “PHOT” if background source determined from zphot, ’SPEC’ if background source |
determined from zspec, or “BOTH” if both methods apply | |||
SDSS_BCKDclassBrkdn | A4 | – | Flag value various combinations of “PNN”, “PRF”, and “SPEC” to show the details of which zphot spec |
and if zspec was used to classify the background source | |||
SDSS_STAR | A1 | – | Flag value is “*” if source is a star by any definition |
SDSS_STARclass | A4 | – | Flag value is “PHOT” if star determined via photo point spread function, ’SPEC’ if star found via |
spectra, or “BOTH” if both methods apply | |||
SDSS_TBD | A1 | – | Flag value is “TBD” if SDSS source is uncategorizable based on optical parameters, otherwise value is ’-’ |
NGVS_NumMtchs | I2 | – | Number of optical NGVS sources matched to this UV source |
NGVS_multUV | A3 | – | Flag is “mUV” if this UV sources shares a NGVS match with one or more other UV sources |
NGVS_STAR | A1 | – | Flag is “*” if based on NGVS star/galaxy classification parameters |
NED_NumMtchs | I2 | – | Number of optical NED sources matched to this UV source |
NED_multUV | A3 | – | Flag is “mUV” if this UV source has a NED match with on or more other UV sources |
NED_ObjID | A30 | – | Primary Object identification from the NED database |
NED_RAdeg | F11.5 | deg | Right ascension in degrees of NED optical match |
NED_DEdeg | F11.5 | deg | Declination in degrees of the NED optical match |
NED_MtchSep | F14.8 | deg | Angular separation between UV source and NED optical match |
NED_z | F11.5 | z | Spectroscopic redshift of the NED source |
NED_zQF | A4 | – | The NED quality flag on NED_z |
NED_VM | A2 | – | Flag is “VM” if object is a Virgo Cluster member based on its NED spectroscopic redshift |
NED_BCKD | A2 | – | Flag is “BK” if object is behind the Virgo Cluster based on its NED spectroscopic redshift |
NED_STAR | A1 | – | Flag is “*” if object is a star based on visual investigation |
Notes. Many of the GALEX column descriptions are taken directly from the mcat catalog column descriptions here:
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