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Table H.1

Description of columns in the UV-VES catalog.

Field label Format Units Explanation

VCC_ID A8 ID number from Binggeli et al. (1985, 1993)
NGC_ID A8 NGC ID number
other_ID A14 Identification from another catalog
RAdeg F9.5 deg Right Ascension
DEdeg F8.5 deg Declination
GtileNUV A28 Deepest GALEX tile available for NUV photometry
GtileFUV A28 Deepest GALEX tile available for FUV photometry
exptNUV F8.2 s Exposure time of NUV GALEX image
exptFUV F8.2 s Exposure time of FUV GALEX image
Bmag F6.2 mag B-band magnitude (Vega) from Binggeli et al. (1985, 1993), where available
Vel I6 km s-1 Galaxy velocity from Binggeli et al. (1985, 1993)
MajAxis I3 arcsec Semi-major axis of the object determined in the NUV
MinAxis I3 arcsec Semi-minor axis of the object determined in the NUV
PA F6.2 deg Position angle
Type I3 Galaxy type from GOLDMine, where available (Binggeli et al. 1985, 1993)
NUVflux F8.3 cnt/s NUV integrated flux
e_NUVflux F8.3 cnt/s Error on NUV integrated flux
FUVflux F8.3 cnt/s FUV integrated flux
e_FUVflux F8.3 cnt/s Error on FUV integrated flux
NUVmag F8.3 mag NUV integrated magnitude (AB)
e_NUVmag F8.3 mag Error on NUV integrated magnitude (AB)
FUVmag F8.3 mag FUV integrated magnitude (AB)
e_FUVmag F8.3 mag Error on FUV integrated magnitude (AB)

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