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Table 1

Observational data and determined radial velocity. Julian date is calculated at mid-observation.

Julian date Phase RV Julian date Phase RV Julian date Phase RV
(days)–2 456 000 (km s-1) (days)–2 456 000 (km s-1) (days)–2 456 000 (km s-1)

079.3736990 10.2 0.6936 095.6096755 10.7 0.2928 116.4939625 11.3 0.6361
079.4035263 10.9 0.6983 095.6444425 10.5 0.2983 121.3892272 10.8 0.4197
079.4383387 11.6 0.7039 096.4018846 10.3 0.4196 121.4241545 11.0 0.4253
080.6188492 10.0 0.8929 096.4367742 9.6 0.4252 123.5107198 10.8 0.7594
080.6408499 9.5 0.8964 099.3819275 10.7 0.8966 123.5616251 11.0 0.7675
089.6348116 11.3 0.3363 099.4167349 10.5 0.9022 128.3874072 10.5 0.5401
092.4534211 11.3 0.7875 102.5440124 11.4 0.4029 128.4226132 11.1 0.5457
092.4885156 11.5 0.7931 102.5786588 11.6 0.4084 131.3837431 11.4 0.0197
093.3820328 11.1 0.9361 103.4294963 11.6 0.5446 131.4186423 11.5 0.0253
093.4167639 11.4 0.9417 103.4647180 10.6 0.5502 140.3877688 11.0 0.4612
094.3825217 11.4 0.0963 111.6216095 10.9 0.8561 140.4227569 10.8 0.4668
094.4174484 11.6 0.1019 112.3867977 11.4 0.9786 141.5906808 10.6 0.6537
094.6184378 10.6 0.1341 112.4215921 11.5 0.9841
094.6431432 10.5 0.1380 116.4573650 11.1 0.6302

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