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Table 2

Summary of the H.E.S.S. analysis results for 1ES 1101-232, 1ES 0229+200 and PKS 2155-304.

Source name Distance T live N ON N OFF Excess σ Z mean ψ mean MJD–50 000 Γ
(z) (hours) (deg.) (deg.) (days)

1ES 1101-232 0.186 62.9 79 426 78 636 790 10.8 22 0.6 3110–4482 3.1
1ES 0229+200 0.140 72.3 39 569 38 752 817 6.6 45 0.56 3316–5150 2.6
PKS 2155-304low state 0.117 164.5 200 374 168 685 31 689 52.2 19 0.56 3199–5042 3.4

PKS 2155-304flare 0.117 5.6 17 440 6041 11 399 78 21 0.56 3945–3947 3.4

Notes. The redshift, live-time, number of ON and OFF source events, γ-ray excess and significance (σ), mean zenith angle (Zmean), mean offset (ψmean), the range of the Modified Julian Date (MJD) for the observations and the photon index Γ for each source are reported.

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