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Table 2

Synthetic (Δa, Δa′, and Δamod) and observed (Δa   obs and Δ(V1 − G)) peculiarity indices in mmags for apparent non-CP stars detected via synthetic photometry.

HD SpType Δa Δa Δamod Δa   obs Δ(V1 − G)

5394 B0.5 IVe +17 37 −21 +5 +1
6811 B7 Ve −10 45 41 −5 +2
18552 B8 Ve +40 +100 +97 −2
22192 B5 Ve −9 49 44 −4
23016 B8V (e) −16 38 −30 −6
32537 F1 Vp MgII 4481 Å weak −10 51 −31 −7
34078 O9.5 Ve, var. +4 57 52 −10
35439 B1 Vpe −11 −34 49 +5 +3
67934 A0 Vnp MgII 4481 Å weak −1 +40 +13 −4
74873 kA0.5hA5mA0.5V λ Boo −18 37 −25 −15
111604 A5 Vp λ Boo −11 −34 39 −2
112014 A0 IIsp Mg,Si weak −9 39 −30 +2
193237 B1 ep +6 97 −14 +25 +17
209409 B7 Ive −18 +53 +24 +4
210839 O6 If(n)p(e) +6 69 55 −19
217891 B6 IIIe +4 +65 +48 −1 +4

17769 B7 V +18 +41 +49 −3
19374 B1 V β Cep +50 +62 +91 −5
22951 A1 Vn +32 +33 +33 −7
24554 A1 V +32 −6 −10
28052 F0 V +32 +17 +19 +6
28149 B5 V +42 +28
29248 B2 III β Cep +4 +44 +32 −9
35671 B5 V SB +18 +51 +35 −5
35770 B9.5 Vn +26 +40 +33 −4
70011 B9.5 V −2 +40 +22 +2
76582 A7 V +24 +18 +25 −6
83808 F8-G0III + A7m +18 +18 +34 −10
107700 G7III + A3IV +29 +1 +18 −4
119765 A0 V −7 50 33 +1
139891 B6V SB2 +11 +41 +28
166182 B2 IV +6 +38 +27 −3
178596 F2 IV-V −3 45 −28 −8
188260 B9.5 III −15 47 38
188350 A0 III −13 49 42 −8
212120 B6 V, ell. var. 45 −15 41 −2
222603 A7 V +7 69 36 −5 −4

Notes. The synthetic photometric values for detected objects are given in boldface italics. The upper panel lists well-known emission-type and metal-weak objects.

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