Open Access

Table 1

Number of clusters for every catalog used in this work.

rangea emissionb
ID Reference N cl N cl* N cl N cl* N cl N cl*

01 Dias et al. (2002, ver. 3.1) c Optical 2117 2117 216 216 29 29
02 Kronberger et al. (2006) d Optical 239 130 29 11 5 4
03 Dutra & Bica (2000) NIR 22 8 18 8 8 2
04 Bica et al. (2003a) e NIR 275 264 30 28 28 26
05 Dutra et al. (2003a) NIR 174 167 81 80 78 77
06 Bica et al. (2003b) NIR 163 155 69 68 63 62
07 Lada & Lada (2003) NIR 76 12 4 0 4 0
08 Porras et al. (2003) NIR 73 21 0 0 0 0
09 Mercer et al. (2005) MIR 90 86 83 81 55 54
10 Kumar et al. (2006) NIR 54 20 0 0 0 0
11 Froebrich et al. (2007b) d NIR 998 676 44 21 2 0
12 Faustini et al. (2009) NIR 23 16 9 9 9 9
13 Glushkova et al. (2010) NIR 194 32 12 4 1 0
14 Borissova et al. (2011) NIR 96 96 85 85 65 65
15 Not catalogued (NIR)f NIR 26 26 12 12 10 10
16 Not catalogued (MIR)f MIR 3 3 3 3 0 0
17 New GLIMPSE (this work) MIR 111 75 103 69 94 67

Total Optical 2247 2247 227 227 33 33
Total NIR 1950 1493 356 315 265 251
Total MIR 197 164 182 153 144 121

Notes. Ncl is the absolute number of entries in every catalog, whereas , for a given reference, is the number of objects not present in any of the catalogs listed before it (see Sect. 2 for details). Absolute numbers for whole categories (Ncl for last three lines) take repetitions inside the category into account, naturally. All numbers in this table are after removing a few spurious objects (listed in Table A.1).


Clusters with galactic coordinates within the ATLASGAL range: || ≤ 60° and |b| ≤ 1.5°.


Clusters associated with ATLASGAL emission (see Sect. 4.1).


Version 3.1 is from November 2010.


Only provides cluster candidates.


Includes clusters from Dutra & Bica (2001).


Individual clusters studied in the infrared (NIR or MIR), which are not listed in the previous lists; references for objects within the ATLASGAL range are given in our on-line catalog.

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