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Fig. 4


Example of a basic Reflex workflow. The figure uses the graphical elements of a Kepler workflow (Sect. 3). The lines indicate the flow of files and are labelled by their contents. The “optional science” files are files that are used to process the science data, but the processing can proceed even if they are not available (see Sect. 3.3.3). The workflow includes two data processing steps, one for calibration and one for science processing (labelled5and7, respectively). The elements of the workflow are: an initialization1that sends the input directories to the data organiser, the data organiser2, a data set chooser3that allows interactive selection of a data set, the file router4that directs different categories of files to their destinations, a SOFCombiner6that bundles the input for the science step, and a data filter and product renamer (8and 9, respectively) that organise the output products from the workflow.

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