Fig. 1

Example of a simple data set and its organisation. The data set contains all files necessary to produce the science data product of the workflow. This includes the science and associated calibration files. These files are organised using a set of actions that are shown as shield-shaped symbols. The target files are directly connected to the target action that is the root of the graph. Files that are connected to an action with a solid line are the trigger for that action. Properties of the triggers are used to select associated files for an action. The associated files are connected to an action with dashed or dotted lines. To highlight files that are connected to more than one action, a dashed line is used for one of these connections, and a dotted line for the other one. The purpose of a file is the connection between the file and the target action. Symbols with tinted background indicate files that have multiple purposes, i.e. there are multiple paths from the file to the target action.
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