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Table 1

Nuclear reaction rates that significantly affect abundances in the DDT and W7 models when varied by a factor of ten (up or down).

Reaction Nuclide W7 model DDT model

×10 ×0.1 ×10 ×0.1

12C(α,γ)16O 36Ar 2.2 3.0
39K 2.0
40Ca 2.2 4.6
41Ca 2.4
44Ti 2.4
45Ti 3.2 7.1
45Sc 4.3
46Ti 2.5
52Cr 0.17
54Mn 0.21
56Fe 0.42
12C(12C,α)20Ne 17O 2.6
20Ne 5.0 2.3
21Ne 11
23Na 3.7
24Na 2.5 3.3
25Mg 2.1
26Mg 5.2
12C(12C,p)23Na 18O 2.1
20Ne 3.7
21Ne 6.7
23Na 2.6 0.41 0.45
24Na 2.7 3.1
26Mg 4.0
26Al 2.1 2.5
28Mg 6.2
31Si 2.8
12C(12C,n)23Mg 21Ne 2.9
26Mg 2.0
16O(n,γ)17O 17O 0.31
21Ne 2.8
24Na 4.0
26Mg 2.7
16O(α,γ)20Ne 21Ne 2.5
26Al 6.4
35S 3.9
16O(16O,p)31P 45Ti 2.4
17O(p,γ)18F 18O 8.2 0.21
17O(α,n)20Ne 17O 0.35
18O(α,n)21Ne 18O 0.32
20Ne(n,γ)21Ne 21Ne 6.2 0.24 4.6 0.16
20Ne(α,p)23Na 18O 0.44 2.4
23Na 0.47 2.2 0.48
26Al 2.1
28Mg 5.4
31Si 3.0
20Ne(α,γ)24Mg 24Mg 3.1 0.07 5.1 0.21
26Mg 2.1
26Al 2.9
27Al 0.12 3.4 0.21
30Si 0.36 0.42
32P 2.2
33P 0.49
35S 3.0
35Cl 2.2
36Cl 0.38
36Ar 0.36 0.29
37Ar 0.45 0.39
39K 0.32 0.25
40K 2.1
40Ca 0.41 2.1
41Ca 0.29 0.22
42Ca 0.32
43Ca 0.44
45Sc 2.5
45Ti 0.19 3.0
46Ti 0.24 0.15 2.1
47Ti 0.29
56Fe 0.43
60Ni 0.24
21Ne(n,γ)22Ne 21Ne 0.44
21Ne(α,n)24Mg 21Ne 0.17 3.1
22Ne(p,γ)23Na 18O 0.42 2.3
23Na 2.3
24Na 4.0 0.33 2.2
22Ne(α,n)25Mg 17O 0.36
18O 2.5 0.23
24Na 0.44
23Na(n,γ)24Na 24Na 8.1 0.10 4.0 0.14
23Na(α,p)26Mg 23Na 0.47
24Na 0.30
53Cr 2.1
24Na(p,n)24Mg 24Na 0.16 0.13 2.8
24Mg(n,γ)25Mg 26Al 3.9 0.38
24Mg(α,γ)28Si 24Mg 0.31 0.34
27Al 0.42 0.34
25Mg(n,γ)26Mg 21Ne 0.41
24Na 0.35
25Mg 0.30
26Mg 4.3 0.45
25Mg(p,γ)26Al 26Al 6.2 2.2
25Mg(α,n)28Si 26Al 0.34 2.1
31Si 2.2
26Mg(n,γ)27Mg 28Mg 5.4
31Si 2.2
26Mg(p,n)26Al 26Al 0.40 0.32
26Mg(α,n)29Si 26Mg 0.44
31Si 3.0
27Al(p,γ)28Si 24Mg 0.28 0.34
27Al 0.26 0.20
27Al(α,p)30Si 24Mg 0.25 0.32
27Al 0.16 2.0 0.14 2.1
36S 2.1
28Si(α,p)31P 31P 2.1
36S 0.31 0.40
29Si(α,n)32S 29Si 2.1
30Si(p,γ)31P 31P 0.49
32P 2.0 0.25
33P 0.48
35S 2.4
36S 0.33
30Si(α,γ)34S 30Si 0.48
32P 0.49
33P 0.50 0.50
30Si(n,γ)31Si 31Si 5.1
30Si(α,n)33S 33P 0.48 3.1 3.0
36S 2.6 2.8
31Si(p,n)31P 31Si 3.9
32P(p,n)32S 32P 0.42 0.48
34S(p,γ)35Cl 35S 2.1
34S(α,p)37Cl 37Cl 0.29 0.43
34S(α,n)37Ar 37Cl 0.37
35Cl(α,p)38Ar 44Ca 2.6
36S(p,n)36Cl 36S 0.35 0.44
37Cl(p,n)37Ar 37Cl 0.44
38Ar(α,γ)42Ca 44Ca 2.2
39K(α,p)42Ca 44Ca 2.5
42Ca(α,γ)46Ti 38Ar 0.50
42Ca 0.42
46Ti 2.2
47Ti 2.1
44Ca(p,γ)45Sc 44Ca 2.7
45Sc(p,γ)46Ti 44Ca 3.7
45Sc 0.41 4.4
45Ti 2.4
45Sc(p,n)45Ti 45Ti 2.1 0.43 3.0
47Ti(n,γ)48Ti 47Ti 0.35
48Ti(p,γ)49V 48Ti 2.4
49V(p,γ)50Cr 48Ti 4.4

Notes. Yields are presented relative to those using standard rates (i.e., Fig. 2). Only species that achieve an abundance of at least 10-8  M and deviate from the standard abundances by at least a factor of two are presented here.

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