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Table C.8

Result of the F-test over the optical/X-ray SEDs.

GRB h PL h BR Part t start t end d.o.f.PL p_valPL d.o.f.BR p_valBR PROB PL BR

050319 MW MW P 300 1500 99.76 42. 1.3e-06 40.50 40. 0.45 7.01e-20
050319 MW MW N 17e+03 300e+03 72.58 10. 3.2e-07 40.50 9. 3.8e-05 0.00342
050401 MW SMC P 200 2000 33.31 146. 1.0 205.00 145. 0.00075 –9.00
050408 SMC SMC N 20e+03 40e+03 22.73 28. 0.75 20.00 37. 0.83 0.00
050416A LMC SMC P 700 2000 27.02 24. 0.30 18.90 23. 0.71 2.98e-07
050416A SMC MW N 6000 40e+03 29.54 27. 0.34 22.40 26. 0.66 3.51e-07
050525A SMC SMC N 6000 30e+03 49.56 29. 0.010 51.70 28. 0.0041 –9.00
050730 SMC SMC P 4000 6000 759.74 140. -8.6e-07 16200.00 139. -0.0036 –9.00
050730 SMC LMC N 10e+03 30e+03 206.32 119. 4.8e-07 117.00 118. 0.52 1.39e-82
050820A MW MW P 100 140 10.76 67. 1.0 7810.00 66. 0.037 –9.00
050820A LMC SMC N 10e+03 60e+03 202.66 225. 0.85 171.00 224. 1.0 2.06e-118
050824 SMC SMC P 6500 30e+03 27.64 31. 0.64 20.07 29. 0.89 7.32e-06
050824 MW LMC N 500e+03 2000e+03 37.65 34. 0.31 1190.00 33. 0.0040 –9.00
050904 MW MW S 600 1800 46.06 55. 0.80 92.28 54. 0.00091 –9.00
050904 MW MW P 12e+03 90e+03 105.41 146. 0.99 105.00 145. 0.99 1.00
050908 MW SMC N 1000 20e+03 9.07 16. 0.91 479.00 15. 0.017 –9.00
050922C MW MW P 200 400 10.59 38. 1.0 10.60 37. 1.0 –9.00
050922C SMC LMC N 10e+03 80e+03 66.73 68. 0.52 44.00 67. 0.99 2.69e-34
051109A MW MW N 10e+03 700e+03 77.08 100. 0.96 77.00 99. 0.95 1.00
051111 SMC SMC N 6000 30e+03 13.79 19. 0.80 11.80 18. 0.86 0.0113
060124 LMC MW N 100e+03 150e+03 45.85 26. 0.0095 101.00 25. 1.3e-06 –9.00
060206 MW SMC N 35e+03 1000e+03 41.47 19. 0.0021 70.70 18. 4.3e-06 –9.00 -
060210 MW SMC P 1000 7000 69.92 87. 0.91 69.50 86. 0.90 0.999
060418 SMC SMC P 630 970 235.11 33. 4.4e-07 199.00 32. 4.5e-07 1.42e-06
060502A LMC MW P 3600 10700 24.60 25. 0.48 21.60 24. 0.60 0.00217
060512 SMC MW P 2000 30e+03 45.00 42. 0.35 923.00 41. 4.0e-05 –9.00
060526 MW SMC S 100 150 5.00 41. 1.0 40.80 40. 0.43 –9.00
060526 SMC SMC P 1000 8000 14.23 19. 0.77 757.00 18. 0.022 –9.00
060526 MW MW N 30e+03 200e+03 134.25 28. 9.9e-07 78.70 26. 1.3e-06 1.09e-07 -
060605 MW MW P 200 400 40.04 30. 0.10 212.00 29. 7.3e-07 –9.00
060605 MW LMC P 4000 6300 21.07 31. 0.91 38.50 30. 0.14 –9.00
060607A MW MW S 80 160 12.42 51. 1.0 1640.00 50. 0.00034 –9.00
060607A MW LMC P 1500 2200 112.55 47. 1.6e–07 114.00 46. –4.2e-09 –9.00
060607A MW SMC P 5000 8000 113.03 111. 0.43 80.60 110. 0.98 1.12e-60
060614 MW MW P 6000 30e+03 68.42 57. 0.14 52.30 56. 0.61 3.75e-21
060614 LMC LMC N 80e+03 200e+03 39.84 40. 0.48 36.00 39. 0.61 9.69e-06
060729 SMC SMC P 1000 10e+03 67.03 68. 0.51 53.90 67. 0.88 3.17e-24
060729 SMC SMC P 10e+03 30e+03 160.39 124. 0.015 167.00 123. 0.0049 –9.00
060729 SMC SMC N 100e+03 500e+03 206.59 192. 0.22 203.00 191. 0.26 1.60e-16
060904B MW MW P 100 310 74.71 320. 1.0 76.00 319. 1.0 –9.00
060904B MW MW N 10e+03 100e+03 42.60 65. 0.99 42.50 64. 0.98 1.00
060906 SMC LMC P 1000 6000 30.09 29. 0.41 28.78 28. 0.42 0.258
060906 SMC SMC P 7000 12000 12.62 20. 0.89 10.40 19. 0.94 0.00177
060908 SMC MW P 100 550 23.41 32. 0.86 3860.00 31. 0.17 –9.00
060908 SMC MW N 700 8000 26.43 33. 0.78 31.89 32. 0.47 –9.00
060912A MW MW N 1300 7000 45.40 39. 0.22 45.30 38. 0.19 1.00
060912A SMC MW N 250 800 38.04 55. 0.96 36.90 54. 0.96 0.0313
060927 MW SMC P 1000 2000 38.11 58. 0.98 60.87 57. 0.34 –9.00
061007 MW MW N 350 2000 713.51 309. –1.9e-06 14800.00 308. –1.9e-06 –9.00
061007 MW MW N 2200 75500 44.88 75. 1.0 37.20 74. 1.0 1.27e-25
061121 MW MW P 640 1400 80.72 77. 0.36 80.60 76. 0.34 1.00
061121 SMC MW S 110 210 27.52 117. 1.0 27.50 116. 1.0 1.00
061121a LMC –999. P 10e+03 100e+03 168.09 132. 0.018 –999.00 –999. –1.0e+03 –999.
061126 LMC SMC N 2000 4000 143.50 119. 0.063 148.00 118. 0.031 –9.00
061126 MW LMC N 10e+03 100e+03 71.77 76. 0.62 47.30 75. 0.99 6.19e-40
070125 MW LMC N 150e+03 300e+03 1275.52 48. 3.3e-05 64280.00 47. 0.40 –9.00
070208 MW LMC N 2300 2400 101.97 81. 0.058 93.50 80. 0.14 8.25e-17
070318 MW MW N 100 200 16.11 52. 1.0 14.50 51. 1.0 2.48e-09
070318 MW LMC N 200 400 22.29 113. 1.0 22.20 100. 1.0 1.00
070318 MW SMC N 1000 10e+03 36.59 46. 0.84 1307.00 45. –7.0e-05 –9.00
070318 MW SMC N 100e+03 200e+03 22.04 26. 0.69 22.00 25. 0.64 1.00
070411 MW MW N 550 1000 18.51 28. 0.91 2910.00 27. 0.15 –9.00
070411 MW SMC N 2000 5000 18.51 28. 0.91 18.50 27. 0.89 1.00
070419A MW MW S 300 500 20.71 32. 0.94 365.00 31. 8.7e-07 –9.00
070529 MW MW P 200 900 17.00 21. 0.71 17.00 20. 0.65 –9.00
070529 MW MW N 10e+03 100e+03 8.00 18. 0.98 528.00 17. –0.012 –9.00
070802 MW SMC P 2000 3000 28.67 13. 0.0073 115.00 12. 2.3e-05 –9.00
071003 MW SMC N 25e+03 700e+03 39.54 42. 0.58 358.00 41. 1.8e-08 –9.00
071010A LMC LMC N 70e+03 220e+03 102.70 29. 8.5e-07 124.00 28. 8.5e-07 –9.00
071025 SMC MW P 250 390 40.15 107. 1.0 133.00 100. 0.039 –9.00
071025 MW MW P 3600 15e+03 101.58 65. 0.0025 50.60 64. 0.28 3.84e-41
071031 SMC SMC S 770 1100 100.38 78. 0.045 78.30 80. 0.44 0.00
071031 LMC SMC P 7000 20e+03 398.65 11. –0.073 24290.00 10. 1.0 –9.00
071112C MW LMC P 400 1000 38.06 49. 0.87 36.10 48. 0.90 0.000583
080310 SMC MW U 450 700 177.37 208. 0.94 93.80 207. 1.0 5.01e-175
080310 SMC SMC P 1300 7000 14.24 20. 0.82 14.20 19. 0.77 1.00
080310 SMC SMC N 20e+03 90e+03 29.79 25. 0.23 29.30 24. 0.21 0.986
080319B MW LMC U 400 600 587.12 429. –2.1e-06 341.00 428. 1.0 0.00
080319B SMC SMC S 5000 20e+03 10033.85 210. –1.3e-06 3492.00 209. –1.3e-06 1.31e-210
080319B SMC SMC P 115e+03 400e+03 108.47 84. 0.037 66.84 83. 0.90 6.08e-49
080319B MW MW N 1000e+03 2000e+03 19.68 18. 0.35 16.10 17. 0.52 0.00425
080330 SMC SMC P 250 800 263.20 57. –2.7e-07 69.80 56. 0.10 1.06e-46
080413B SMC SMC P 200 500 146.49 63. –3.2e-07 57.10 62. 0.65 2.75e-45
080413B MW MW P 1000 2000 474.77 49. –1.5e-07 126.00 48. –1.4e-07 1.08e-38
080413B MW MW N 100e+03 400e+03 89.23 41. 2.0e-05 33.60 40. 0.75 1.29e-26
080603A SMC SMC N 10500 20900 51.41 55. 0.61 35.10 53. 0.97 9.29e-17
080607 LMC SMC S 100 200 228.45 318. 1.0 253.00 317. 1.0 –9.00
080607 MW LMC S 300 550 52.41 65. 0.87 231.93 64. –3.4e-07 –9.00
080607 MW SMC P 600 1000 145.34 44. –4.3e-08 230.00 43. –3.7e-08 –9.00
080607 LMC LMC N 4000 7000 62.57 37. 0.0054 46.20 36. 0.12 3.91e-12
080710 MW MW P 3200 5500 839.85 67. –3.7e-07 721.00 66. –3.6e-07 7.23e-19
080710 MW MW N 9000 11500 77.13 44. 0.0015 182.00 43. –3.7e-08 –9.00
080721 LMC MW P 450 1000 70.33 272. 1.0 5227.00 271. –1.7e-06 –9.00
080721 SMC SMC N 40e+03 60e+03 27.93 30. 0.57 47.95 29. 0.015 –9.00
080810 LMC MW S 100 135 50.95 71. 0.96 31.40 70. 1.0 4.38e-39
080810 MW MW P 210 300 16.66 69. 1.0 4360.00 68. –0.00090 –9.00
080810 MW SMC P 3900 5000 38.30 34. 0.28 38.30 33. 0.24 1.00
080810 MW MW N 10e+03 100e+03 22.07 24. 0.57 20.79 23. 0.59 0.206
080913 LMC SMC N 600 1200 20.33 35. 0.98 20.30 34. 0.97 1.00
080913 SMC LMC N 10e+03 100e+03 15.43 17. 0.56 17.40 15. 0.29 –9.00
080913 MW SMC N 100e+03 700e+03 6.86 14. 0.94 6.85 12. 0.87 1.00
080928 MW MW S 430 500 4.34 19. 1.0 4.12 18. 1.0 0.543
080928 SMC SMC P 5000 6500 78.75 25. 1.7e-06 75.60 24. 1.9e-06 0.501
080928a SMC –999. N 10e+03 13e+03 80.40 78. 0.40 –999.00 –999. –1.0e+03 –999.
081008 SMC LMC S 102 150 253.00 129. –7.9e-07 78.70 128. 1.0 7.23e-121
081008 LMC SMC P 1000 1500 82.42 60. 0.029 78.60 59. 0.045 3.88e-05
081008 MW SMC N 15e+03 21e+03 5277.01 24. 0.29 5007.78 23. 0.27 0.307
081029 MW LMC P 3000 5000 4722.30 88. 0.00034 59600.00 87. 0.24 –9.00
081029 MW MW P 8000 18e+03 12394.42 34. 0.31 150000.00 33. 0.94 –9.00
081029 MW MW N 20e+03 80e+03 164.57 70. –3.9e-07 143.00 69. –5.0e-09 4.36e-19
081203A LMC MW P 250 400 40.98 90. 1.0 2470.00 89. –2.6e-07 –9.00
081203A MW MW P 4000 6000 48.71 46. 0.36 32.50 45. 0.92 1.11e-19
081203A MW SMC N 15e+03 25e+03 29.01 27. 0.36 27.20 26. 0.40 0.0823
090102 MW MW N 400 600 12.21 52. 1.0 8.33 51. 1.0 1.24e-22
090102 MW LMC N 10e+03 11e+03 971.94 43. 5.8e-05 1440.00 42. 0.0013 –9.00
090313 LMC MW P 25e+03 45e+03 30.57 24. 0.17 32.36 23. 0.093 –9.00
090313 LMC SMC N 70e+03 450e+03 36.39 52. 0.95 33.10 51. 0.98 1.83e-08
090424 MW MW N 90e+03 200e+03 22.80 18. 0.20 25.36 17. 0.087 –9.00
090426 SMC SMC N 200 250 45.65 50. 0.65 45.80 49. 0.60 –9.00
090426 MW MW N 5000 5500 41.86 50. 0.79 41.80 49. 0.76 1.00
090618 SMC –999. N 150 250 113.04 446. 1.0 –999.00 –999. –1.0e+03 –999.
090618 MW LMC P 6000 20e+03 677.70 258. –1.6e-06 692.39 257. –1.6e-06 –9.00
090618 MW LMC N 100e+03 200e+03 126.18 22. 2.5e-06 2487.29 21. –0.69 –9.00
090618 SMC MW N 700e+03 2500e+03 12.25 12. 0.43 203.57 11. 0.0037 –9.00
090926A MW MW N 50e+03 60e+03 30.67 38. 0.80 407.00 37. 1.6e-07 –9.00
090926A SMC MW N 75e+03 85e+03 320.61 33. 4.4e-07 292.00 32. 4.5e-07 0.000843
090926A MW SMC N 160e+03 170e+03 442.39 15. 0.021 426.00 14. 0.022 0.877
090926A SMC SMC N 300e+03 350e+03 76.41 12. 2.2e-05 75.60 11. 1.7e-05 1.00
091018 MW MW N 850 1200 191.36 26. 1.3e-06 172.00 25. 1.3e-06 0.00585
091018 SMC SMC N 12e+03 38e+03 404.72 28. 2.1e-05 211.95 26. 1.0e-06 6.79e-09
091127 SMC MW N 60e+03 100e+03 99.02 49. 3.1e-05 83.60 48. 0.0011 1.98e-12
091127 SMC SMC N 400e+03 600e+03 25.29 28. 0.61 20.40 27. 0.81 2.91e-06
100418A SMC SMC N 100e+03 300e+03 10.30 18. 0.92 9.56 17. 0.92 0.290
100901A SMC SMC S 4000 6000 77.42 26. 1.9e-06 512.00 25. 0.00051 –9.00
100901A MW SMC P 10e+03 12e+03 67.80 56. 0.13 58.90 55. 0.33 2.16e-13
100901A MW SMC N 50e+03 100e+03 120.78 53. 1.2e-07 73.40 52. 0.027 1.06e-26

Notes. GRB: GRB name. hPL: extinction curve type used to fit the data with a power-law. hBR: host galaxy type used to fit the data with a broken power-law. Part: segment of the X-ray LC considered: S = steep decay, P = plateau, N = normal decay. tstart and tend: initial and final time of the SED. , d.o.f.PL, p_valPL: χ2, degree of freedom and p-value for the power-law fit function. , d.o.f.BR, p − valBR: χ2, degree of freedom and p-value for the broken power-law fit function. PROB: the F-test probability computed for each SED to comapre the single and broken power-law. PL = power-law, BR = broken power-law: indicates the best-fit model. Indicates the cases for which we decided that the simple power-law fits better the SED than the broken power-law fit, regardless of the F-test.


We where unable to perform the fit with a broken power-law function.

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