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Table 1

Index of mathematical symbols.

np number of exposures
nd number of detectors (data) per exposure
N number of parameters (to determine)
L number of data points in a time series
M number of data points
Dp data recorded during the exposure (pointing) p
Dp is a vector of length nd(p)
y data sorted in sequential order (vector of length M)
y ≡ (D1,D2,...,Dnp) where Dp are the data points
accumulated during exposure p.
x solution of the equation Hx = y (vector of length N).
Also time series (“image space”) x ≡ x1:L = (x1,...,xL)
where xi are supposed sequentially ordered in time
H real rectangular matrix of size M × N
H (J) the submatrix (columns of H) related to source named or
numbered J, such that H ≡  [H(1),···   ,H(N)]
A square real symmetric matrix of order N (A = HTH)
ε measurement errors on x (time series vector of length L)
assumed to have zero mean, to be independent and normally
distributed with a known variance Σ ( )
T ti is the time where the data point xi is measured with
measurement error ϵi. T = (t1,...,tL).
f(ti) the model of a series, this is a piecewise constant function.
m number of change points that defined the m + 1 segments such
that f(t) is constant between two successive change points
nseg(J) number of segments to describe source named or numbered J
τ change points such that τ0 = min(T) and τm + 1 = max(T)
or in point number units, τ0 = 1 and τm + 1 = L + 1
(τ0 < τ1 < ... < τm + 1).τ denotes the last found change point
s sk is the value of the model f(t) for the segment defined by
τk − 1 ≤ t < τk (vector of length m + 1)
F(τ) recursive function to be minimized with respect to τ
β penalty to prevent overfitting
x (τi − 1 + 1):τi subset of the vector x, x(τi − 1 + 1):τi = (xτi − 1 + 1,...,xτi)
Cost function or effective fitness for the
vector x subset x(τi − 1 + 1):τi
n Iteration number which corresponds to time tn

Notes.Initial state is denoted with the upper subscript 0: (H0,N0,...). The temporary state, with the upper subscript : (). The time t is sometimes replaced by the iteration number n.

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