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Fig. 9


(Bottom) Reduced chi-square () as a function of the penalty parameter in units of β0 = log (M), where M is the number of data points of the dataset. (Top) Number of segments to describe the intensity variation of the central source. Left panels are related to V0332+53 and right panels to GX 339-4, GRS 1915+105, and Cyg X-1. The results obtained with different configurations of the “limited version” of the “data-space” method (background timescale fixed to ~6 h, cost function expression (C.8 or C.9) are compared with the default configuration (cost function C.9 and background timescale to be computed). The “full” version is compared with the ‘limited’ version of the “data-space” algorithm for the V0332+53 dataset.

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