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Table 2

Selection of instance methods of the NIFTy field class.

Method name Description

cast_domain alters the field’s domain without altering the field values or the codomain.
conjugate complex conjugates the field values.
dot applies the scalar product between two fields, returns a scalar.
tensor_dot applies a tensor product between two fields, returns a field defined in the product space.
pseudo_dot applies a scalar product between two fields on a certain subspace of a product space, returns a
    scalar or a field, depending on the subspace.
dim returns the dimensionality of the field.
norm returns the L2-norm of the field.
plot draws a figure illustrating the field.
set_target alters the field’s codomain without altering the domain or the field values.
set_val alters the field values without altering the domain or codomain.
smooth smoothes the field values in position space by convolution with a Gaussian kernel.
transform applies a transformation from the field’s domain to some codomain.
weight multiplies the field with the grid’s volume factors (to a given power).
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