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Table 5

Number of groups for each group type and their characteristics for each galaxy.

Galaxy Type Number of groups Average size Average number of members Median size
NGC 925 (pc) (pc)

Associations 356 67 4 68
Aggregates 326 174 8 162
Complexes 80 512 32 476
Supercomplexes 13 1527 195 1239

NGC 2541
Associations 305 64 4 64
Aggregates 271 165 6 151
Complexes 97 517 22 448
Supercomplexes 15 1770 205 1670

NGC 3351
Associations 184 68 4 69
Aggregates 264 176 7 165
Complexes 98 507 23 466
Supercomplexes 14 1609 118 1533

NGC 3621
Associations 495 63 4 61
Aggregates 359 162 9 151
Complexes 77 510 48 466
Supercomplexes 12 1424 311 1242

NGC 4548
Associations 178 75 3 75
Aggregates 446 162 5 168
Complexes 172 502 15 469
Supercomplexes 36 1424 74 1399

NGC 5457
Associations 340 62 4 61
Aggregates 278 172 7 161
Complexes 75 500 26 424
Supercomplexes 17 1469 146 1453

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