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Table 2


Galaxy Total exposure time Number of frames used Median error Number of stars Number of bright MS stars
(s) F555W/F814W F555W/F814W

NGC 925 22 000/6600 20/6 0.089/0.129 25 584 3930
NGC 2541 28 500/12 500 26/10 0.095/0.113 23 276 4356
NGC 3351 31 900/8100 26/7 0.116/0.114 24 999 2420
NGC 3621 18 200/7200 20/8 0.111/0.115 35 367 5329
NGC 4548 52 200/30 900 41/23 0.118/0.112 28 465 3697
NGC 5457 16 800/4600 15/4 0.087/0.124 34 111 4052

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