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Fig. 5


Left panel: value of the slope (B) of the X-ray Baldwin effect obtained simulating the variation of the reprocessed X-ray radiation with the luminosity for tori with different values of the equatorial column density (in the range ) for the different θOA − LX relationships shown in Fig. 2 (Eqs. (1)–(3)) in the Seyfert regime (42 < log LX ≤ 44.2). The model used is that of Ikeda et al. (2009), and the simulated data were fitted with Eq. (5). The red line represents the value of the slope (B = − 0.12 ± 0.04) obtained by fitting in the Seyfert regime the data per source reported in Shu et al. (2010); the red shadowed area represents the 1σ contour of the slope. Right panel: same as left panel, but considering the intercept (A) of the X-ray Baldwin effect obtained by our simulations. The red line represents the value of the intercept (A = 1.64 ± 0.05) obtained by the fit to the Chandra/HEG data in the Seyfert regime, while the red shadowed area represents its 1σ error.

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