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Table 3

Scenarios considered in this paper.

Position Orbital distance TSurf FToA ttransit
   [AU] [K] [W/m2] [h]

Planet around F2V star (rs = 1.06 × R(1))

Inner run 1.706 303.3 1642.38 13.79
Center run 1.888 280.2 1337.44 14.50
Outer run 1.961 273.0 1242.48 14.77
Planet around G2V star (rs = R = 695   500 km)

Inner run 0.936 303.2 1549.88 12.58
Center run 1.000 288.1 1357.76 12.98
Outer run 1.079 273.0 1165.80 13.48
Planet around K2V star (rs = 0.81 × R(2))

Inner run 0.582 303.2 1465.93 8.68
Center run 0.606 294.3 1353.59 8.83
Outer run 0.675 273.0 1089.64 9.33

Notes.The three panels show for each central star chosen (F-type star: top, G-type star: center, K-type star: bottom) the orbital distance, surface temperature TSurf, incident top-of-atmosphere stellar flux FToA and transit time tTransit for each scenario. Transit times have been calculated assuming an inclination of 90°.

Reference. (1) Habing et al. (2001); (2) Santos et al. (2004).

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