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Table 4

Positions of the close visual companion of θ1 Ori A.

Date PA ΔPA Sep. ΔSep. Ref.
[] [] [′′] [′′]

1994.901 343.5 5 208 30 3
1995.775 350.6 2 227 5 2
1996.247 352.8 2 227 4 2
1996.746 352.7 2 223 4 2
1997.788 353.0 2 224 4 2
1998.838 353.8 2 221 5 2
1998.841 353.8 2 221.5 5 4
1999.715 355.4 2 219 3 2
1999.737 354.8 2 215 3 2
1999.819 175.1* 0.5 212 2.5 5
2000.765 356.2 2 215 4 2
2000.781 356.1 2 216 4 2
2000.781 356.0 2 211 4 2
2001.186 356.0 2 215 3 2
2001.718 356.9 1 205.1 3 1
2003.701 3.9 1 210 5 This paper
2003.945 3.9 1 209 5 This paper
2004.816 0.3 1.6 203 2 6
2004.822 0.9 0.8 205 3 6
2004.945 4.6 1 207 5 This paper
2005.060 5.3 1 208 5 This paper
2005.940 5.9 1 204 5 This paper
2007.704 6.1 1 202 5 This paper
2009.019 7.5 1 199 5 This paper
2009.885 8.2 1 197 5 This paper
2009.899 8.5 1 198 5 This paper
2010.260 9.4 1 197 5 This paper
2010.877 6.5 0.3 193.1 0.5 1
2010.953 6.2 2 193.0 1 This paper
2011.827 7.3 2 193.2 1 This paper



180° ambiguity could not be solved from the measurement itself, but taking into account the other measurements should probably be 355.1°.

References. (1) Close et al. (2012); (2) Schertl et al. (2003); (3) Petr et al. (1998); (4) Weigelt et al. (1999); (5) Balega et al. (2004); (6) Balega et al. (2007).

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