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Table 2

Excerpt from the full catalog of identifiers, stellar and time series parameters, and variability types for CoRoT targets with Giraffe spectra.

CoRoT ID α δ Variability Class Mahal. ν1 Teff log   (g) Teff
class Prob. dist. (KT (KT (ELODIE
model) model) model)

102798257 101.4747 −1.07597 DSCUT 1.00 1.15 17.9728 7457 3.5 7199
102799691 101.4865 −0.80610 BCEP 1.00 1.42 4.9634 21939 3.9 19 358
102902244 102.1422 −3.25209 GDOR 1.00 2.24 1.5049 7190 3.7 6556
102908080 102.1729 −3.29107 SPB 1.00 2.43 1.7628 18978 3.5 22 573
102943693 102.3523 −3.28696 GDOR 1.00 1.56 1.4923 7344 3.7 6762
102945146 102.3590 −3.30409 GDOR 0.99 4.09 1.4475 4567 2.3 4952
102947303 102.3696 −3.27771 DSCUT 0.96 2.26 5.2760 7888 3.6 7607
102987965 102.5951 −3.23735 DSCUT 1.00 2.13 13.7157 8529 3.8 8945

Notes.The full catalog (including columns not shown here) is available from the CDS.

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