Fig. 23

Median spectrum of the CoRoT targets with effective temperatures between 6800 and 7200 K and gravities between 3.5 and 4.0 dex (black). We also show for comparison the Kurucz spectra for Teff = 7000 K and log (g) values equal to 3.0 (red), 4.0 (violet), and 5.0 dex (blue). The left inset box contains a close-up of the spectral range between 416 and 419 nm, around the luminosity-dependent double blend of Feii and Tiii lines at 417.2/417.8 nm. The right-hand inset shows a similar close-up between 441 and 448 nm, with similar blends at 439.5−440 nm, 441.7 nm, and 444.4 nm, and showing no luminosity dependence in the 3.0 ≤ log (g) ≤ 5.0 range.
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