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Table 1

Binary interactions determining charge-state changes of He ions in the heliosheath.

Sign Reaction Reference

a α, He →  He, α (double cx) (1) A104y
b α radiative recombination with e (2)
c α, H →  He+, p (3)z
d α, He →  He+, He+ (1) A98, B112
e α, He+ →  He+, α (1) A84
f He+ radiative recombination with e (4)
g He+ dielectronic recombination with e (4)
h He+, H →  He, p (1) A62
i He+, He →  He, He+ (1) A70
k photoionization of He+ (5)
l electron impact ionization of He+ (6)
m stripping/cx ionization by p (1) A48, A54

Notes. e – electron, p – proton, αα-particle, cx – charge exchange.


A104 and similars symbols denote reactions as listed in (1).


(1) A88 for energy > 5 keV, excitation and/or emission involving upper levels includes (1) B90, B96, B102, B104.

References. (1) Barnett (1990); (2) Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985); (3) Liu et al. (2003); (4) Aldrovandi & Pequignot (1973); (5) Bochsler et al. (in prep.); (6) Janev et al. (1987).

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